Propostas de Estágio 2014/2015 - Plurianual

Gerado a 2025-01-20 13:20:05 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Concept Invention in Design - Creating 2D and 3D structures

Área Tecnológica

Inteligência Artificial

Local do Estágio



The present proposal occurs in the scope of an european project regarding concept creation technology.

This involves studying, conceiving and developing synthesis mechanisms for concept creation. Exploring explicit and implicit knowledge in order to expose new concepts, to enrich the semantics of concepts by discovering new meaningful relations, and to build new conceptual structures where to perform reasoning.


Informed by earlier and ongoing work this thesis will focus on the application of general purpose concept generators to a specific field: the design of 2D and 3D structures.
The adaptation of a general purpose concept generator to this field implies:
• Representing domain-specific knowledge and existent designs;
• Incorporating functional constraints in the evaluation;
• Developing a rendering engine for the presentation of the created structures;

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Step 1 - Revision of the Bibliography
Step 2 - Determining the techniques to use and develop
Step 3 - Proof of concept and prototype development
Step 4 - Thesis and work plan proposal

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Step 5 - Development of the platform for 2D and 3D structure design.
Fase 6 - Experimentation and Analysis.
Fase 7 - Writing of the Thesis.
Fase 8 - Scientific paper.


Strong skills in programming.
Will to communicate in English with other researchers is also important.
Other interesting skills include Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence


A scholarship is available. This dissertation occurs in the scope of an european project FP7 ConCreTe. As such the student will have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other researchers from UC and other european institutions involved in the project.


Penousal Machado 📩