Propostas para selecção dos alunos

Gerado a 2024-07-16 10:35:05 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

3D Digital Twin for Gamified Learning of Port Operations

Local do Estágio



The Nexus project aims to develop new solutions for Port Operations management, among them novel software for prognostics based scheduling and management of ship berth operations. New management practices need to be developed and personnel needs training with these new tools.
Digital Twins are a technique for modeling and representing real world scenarios, typically based on live data sources that enable monitoring, diagnosing and simulation of industrial operations and other socially relevant settings.
Game-Based Learning is a scenario-based gamification approach that aims towards individual and collective training and improvement of operational coordination in context. Game-Based Learning (GBL) allows skills development of individual and teams under complex scenarios, based on a 3D digital twin and discrete event simulation methodologies.


The objectives of this project are:
a) The creation of 3D digital twin representing realistic scenarios as an approach to modeling and simulation of real world phenomena (actors, organizational structures, physical environments, actions and resources, etc).
b) The development of a simulation game for training and decision support in operational scenarios for Port management of ship berth operations.
Evaluating the digital twin as a basis for game-based learning or gamified training of port operations.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

A1. (Sep-Oct) State-of-the-art research - research relevant SoA from publications and software works, and characterization of the problem to be solved;
A2. (Oct-Nov) Design Proposal - conception of the interaction design proposal, interaction models and intended exploration scenarios, define the software architecture, data model, and libraries to use.
A3. (Nov-Dec) Paper/Proposal drafting - organizing state of the art and design proposal in paper/thesis proposal.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A4. (Dec-April) Design+Prototyping Iterations - iterative and incremental design and proof-of-concept implementations, based on direct experiential evaluation of results;
A5. (May) Evaluation - definition of criteria and method; performance of protocol and analysis of results;
A6. (May-June) Statement of Learning - paper/thesis writing on design process, critical reflection, lessons learned.


Possibilidade de bolsa de curta duração.




Licínio Roque 📩