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Gerado a 2024-07-16 10:42:13 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Using the body as a video remote control for supporting Breaking training

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Breaking (commonly known as Breakdance) is a complex and acrobatic street dance that originated in the Bronx. Its evolution has been driven by experimentation and creativity among breakers, without institutional support or educational programmes. However, with its inclusion in the 2024 Paris Olympics, breaking will require more structured and thoughtful training to improve performance execution.
Video recording plays an active role during Breaking training. Bboys/Bgirls often resort to video recording to capture their performances and analyse their performance in specific movements, , allowing them to build a movement gallery dataset. However, there are no specific systems developed towards Breaking training, and Bboys/Bgirls need to use the standard smartphone camera app to perform their recordings, which means having to interrupt performances to select play/pause button, losing the recording frame and angle each time they do it.
This project aims to design and develop a low-fidelity prototype of an applicationto address this issue. Additionally, this work will also study the role of the body in technology and address topics such as embodiment.


This dissertation will explore how to use specific body positions or movements of Breaking to start/stop recording in a video recording smartphone app. The student will investigate existing tools/systems that use the body to control video commands and then design and develop a low-fidelity prototype of an application to record movements during a Breaking training. To achieve this, the student will participate in observation sessions of Breaking, investigating common movements and what movements could be used to trigger video recording control. Moreover, the student will make use of Wizzard-of-Oz to test the concept of the application before it is developed.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1 - State of the art review ofthe different technologies that use the body to control video recording
2 -Define a plan for a contextual study (e.g. through observation and interviews) and contact relevant entities/people to involve (Bboys/Bgirls and coaches)
3 - Conduct a pilot study of the contextual study with a reduced group of people and refine the plan (if needed)
4 - Writing the intermediate document of the dissertation.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

5 - Conduct the contextual study with an extended sample of people
6 - Analyse the results of the contextual study to define user goals and the movements that can be used as controls to inform the design of the application collect Breaking movements
7 - Design and develop a low-fidelity prototype of an application to record movement during Breaking training
Test the prototype, interactions, and movement integration in Breaking training with Bboys/Bgirls and coaches using the Wizzard-of-Oz technique
8 - Review the intermediate document of the dissertation (if needed) and write the remaining chapters of the dissertation.
A - Writing and submission of a scientific article (Optional and contingent on the significance of the results)


The student is expected to have an interest in the Sports Technology. Any prior experience related to Breaking or similar sports/dance is a plus.


This work will be linked to the PhD project of Leonor Portugal da Fonseca, who is “Exploring how technology can support breaking training”.
The student will have access to professional Bboys/Bgirls if desired, and any questions regarding Breaking can be discussed with the team.
The work will be co-supervised by Leonor Portugal da Fonseca and Francisco Nunes from Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS


Paula Alexandra Silva 📩