Propostas para selecção dos alunos

Gerado a 2024-07-16 10:28:48 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Creating a dashboard to display open science and reproducible research practices at UC

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Grupo de Metaciência - Era Chair Excelscior, Universidade de Coimbra, Polo 1 e DEI/FCTUC, CISUC - Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade de Coimbra


This project will be performed in the scope of new Excelscior ( meta-research team @ UC. The team conducts meta-research, or "science of science" studies designed to identify opportunities or develop and test solutions to improve research culture and practice. We aim to help researchers to make their research more trustworthy and useful to researchers and to society.

Dashboards are a valuable tool for visually displaying data that is of interest to a particular community.
Reproducible research and open science practices, such as open data and open code, are increasingly required by journals and research funders. Use of these practices, when combined with good reporting, can make research more transparent, reproducible and reusable. Examples of relevant practices might include adherence to reporting guidelines, sharing of protocols, data, code or software, use of ORCIDs or author contributions statements or timely reporting of clinical trials. The ScreenIT pipeline includes a combination of tools that detect features like open data and code, limitations sections, blinding, randomization and ethics statements, and common data visualization problems. Data generated using these tools can be displayed in a dashboard, to raise awareness about reporting practices biomedical researchers within the university.

Interested students will be interviewed by zoom (in english). Contact: Teresa Cunha-Oliveira, (to schedule interviews or for more information)


To create a dashboard that displays changes in the use of open science and reproducible research practices over time, among biomedical papers published by researchers at the University of Coimbra.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The student will use the ScreenIT pipeline to screen biomedical papers from researchers at the University of Coimbra; then adapt code for a dashboard from another institution to create a dashboard for biomedical research at the University of Coimbra.

• Phase 1 - Review of the literature and State of the Art.
• Phase 2 - Development of a simple prototype for Concept demonstration.
• Phase 3 - Preparation of the dissertation proposal.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

• Phase 4 - Development of visualization and interaction solutions according to the research plan of the proposal.
• Phase 5 - Testing and experimentation.
• Phase 6 - Writing the Dissertation.


Students need to have intermediate level programming skills in R and/or Python.


Tracey Weissgerber, Teresa Cunha-Oliveira, Joel P. Arrais (DEI) 📩