Propostas com Aluno

Gerado a 2024-07-16 11:52:35 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

llustrated digital encyclopedia of Greek mythology

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Although seemingly remote, the influence of ancient cultures can easily be detected in multiple ways in contemporary life, through politics and philosophy, to sports and entertainment. The culture of the ancient Greeks in particular, provides many reference points in modern discourse. Therefore, each new generation should discover and learn about the ancient Greeks, in order to better understand their relation to contemporary culture. It is in this pedagogic sense that this proposal approaches the theme of Greek mythology, with the aim of creating an illustrated digital encyclopedia that will be aimed at young adults as a support for their learning about this area. Illustrations combined with digital design can be used to make the rich complexity of the mythology more accessible to a young audience.


The project aims to produce a website that will present a series of illustrations of the humans, animals, and gods who make up the cast of Greek mythology. These illustrations will be accompanied by infographics that show the connections and relationships between the individual characters, in a way that makes the material engaging and easier to understand. The illustration style will be developed with a contemporary audience in mind. Greek mythology has provided the subject matter for many artists through the centuries, from the Ancient Greek and Roman artists themselves, through Neo-classical art of the Renaissance to artists, illustrators, animators and filmmakers of this century and the last. An important aspect of this thesis is to discuss and reflect on this history of pictorial representation.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

– Research on the Greek myths themselves, identification of the characters who will be represented in the illustrations and included in the infographic and the site;
– Development of the literature review and state of the art in the areas of pictorial representation of Greek mythology; contemporary illustration; web design; infographics; 
– Planning of the site structure;
– Creation of example illustrations;
– Preparation of the presentation of work for the intermediate defence.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

– Completion of the illustrations to be included in the site;
– Organisation of written material to accompany the illustrations and infographic;
– Design of infographic;
– Production of web site;
– Conclusion of the written thesis.



Paul Hardman
phardman@dei.uc,pt 📩