Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2025-01-03 07:47:03 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

CyberSonos: a shared, co-creation space for interactive soundscapes

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CISUC Interactive Media Lab


The concept of Common Information Space (CIS) appeared in the 90s as a shared space where its participants work cooperatively towards a common goal. A common meaning then emerges from the ongoing interactions with all its participants, through their attempts to understand and coordinate with each other. Iterative processes of collaboration and joint actions bring a common perception of the activity, motivation and, ultimately, a sense of belonging and becoming.
Bringing this notion to the sound field, how can a common information space be devised as an interactive joint space of collaborative composition, where each participant can become a creator of a shared sound space?


The purpose of this proposal is to create a space for a collaborative soundscape installation, where each participant can create, influence and change the ongoing sonic environment while collaborating with other participants in real-time. This demands the design and exploration of a sound space that can be visited and dynamically changed by participants, with possibilities ranging from an online shared space for people across the globe, to a local installation that embraces its visitors.
This proposal entails the challenge of exploring real-time interaction in a perceived mutual space, sound design explorations for composing demonstrative shared soundscapes, synchronous or asynchronous interaction using the body (in local setting) or the mobile device as a sonic instrument.
This sonic space can be sound-only, or also explore audiovisual relationships triggered by the actions of each participant, combining the three senses of vision, audition and touch in an unifying space for collaboratively creating and exhibiting sound compositions.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

A1. (Sep-Nov) State-of-the-art research - research and document the relevant SoA, publications and software review; detailed characterization of the problem to be solved stating specific goals and requirements;
A2. (Nov-Dec) Design Proposal - conception of the interaction design proposal, which includes the exploration of multiple software architectures, from the audio libraries, synchronous communication and awareness to the sound design possibilities, including interaction models and how the soundscapes can be collaboratively composed.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A3. (Jan-April) Prototyping - implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype, tuning or corrections based on evaluation results;
A4. (May) Evaluation - definition of evaluation criteria and method; performance of evaluation and analysis of results
A5. (June - July) Statement of Learning - production of paper/thesis with process report and reflection on knowledge production.




We seek a candidate that feels at ease with or is willing to embrace design research and programming challenges, enthusiastic of sonic forms and collaborative explorations, with an active imagination and thirst for learning.


Mariana Seiça e Licínio Roque 📩