Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2025-01-03 07:57:52 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

From Play Data to Audiovisual Performance

Local do Estágio



The exploration of datasets as a departing point for the creation of artworks. A prominent case is the works directed by media artist Refik Anadol. The particular context of logging digital gameplay metrics generates significant amounts of data and poses challenges and opportunities for finding meaningful and informative visualizations to help game designers interpret what might be happening when players find new ways to explore their game prototypes.


This is a Science through Art research agenda; it demands a sharp, insatiable, persistent but open mind.
This project aims to experiment with computational audiovisual art methods to generate new audiovisual experiences - and possibly design insights - based on game play datasets.
The main goal is to create one or more works to explore and demo what can be done in this exploratory direction.
Even though state of the art visualization techniques and generative methods can be explored, there is no a priori requirement of functional use apart from enabling the fruition of a meaningful aesthetic with an audiovisual experience.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

We will adopt a radical prototyping approach to "Research through Design“, monthly time-boxed, approach, based on the following activity cycle:
A1: read on state of the art
A2: design+prototype quickly
A3: experiment more
A4: listen, observe people interact
A5: document and reflect, a lot
A6: write what you think
A7: goto A1
All these supported on cutting-edge methods in HCI/CSCW/Design

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

We will adopt a radical prototyping approach to "Research through Design“, monthly time-boxed, approach, based on the following activity cycle:
A1: read on state of the art
A2: design+prototype quickly
A3: experiment more
A4: listen, observe people interact
A5: document and reflect, a lot
A6: write what you think
A7: goto A1
All these supported on cutting-edge methods in HCI/CSCW/Design






Luis Manuel dos Santos Lucas Bento Pereira 📩