Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2025-01-03 07:23:26 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Immersive Virtual Reality Experience for Emblematic Art in the House Museum Bissaya Barreto

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Emblems are currently used as bimedial compositions that combine image and text in order to convey a symbolic meaning. The origin of this practice goes back to 1531, when Andrea Alciato published a collection of poetic texts to which he called Emblematum liber, creating a new literary type. In their original format, the emblems were made of a brief motto, a picture and a verse text, but this pattern was not mandatory. Alciato’s emblem book became a bestseller and hundreds of authors imitated his model with variations. Many of those printed emblems reached an extraordinary popularity and came to influence artists or designers working in the decoration of ephemeral art, buildings, furniture and many other materials. Regarding their efficient capacity to express complex ideas in concise and impacting forms, easy to memorise, emblems settled a common symbolic language throughout Europe, and later in the New World, reaching a global impact in the Early Modern Period.

For the layperson, recognizing, identifying and understanding emblems in artworks is not an easy task. With this project, we intend to develop a creative transmediation of existing tile-based emblems found in the House Museum Bissaya Barreto into interactive, immersive virtual reality experiences. This interactive experience would allow for a different way of experiencing and understanding emblematic art.


To creatively explore the design possibilities for creating immersive VR environments that present the tile-based emblems found at the Casa-Museu Bissaya Barreto and implement one such environment. An example of an environment that explores tiles (but not emblems) can be found here:

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Study emblems
- Study the tile-based emblems at the house museum Bissaya Barreto
- Study VR and VR development
- Sketch a proposal for an interactive VR environment
- Write intermediate report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Implement the proposed functionality
- Evaluate of the application with real users
- Write scientific paper about results
- Write report


Students will have access to mixed-reality equipment such as the Microsoft Hololens, Meta Quest, or Pico 4 headsets.

Project will be co-advised by Dr. Filipa Medeiros, CIEC - Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos.


Jorge C. S. Cardoso 📩