Proposta com aluno

Gerado a 2025-03-07 02:31:10 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Towards Automated Generative Design

Local do Estágio



The present proposal is aligned with the research efforts of the CDV Lab. on Generative Design and Evolutionary Computation. It aims at performing incremental research that expands the state-of-the-art in the fields of Generative Design and Evolutionary Art.

Throughout the years, countless artists and designers have created various artifacts using generative models. While these models are programmatic in some cases, using “manual” generative models is far from uncommon. Many designers produce, by hand, numerous variations of an artifact either because that is a fundamental part of their exploratory design process or because the design project advises several instances of the artifact (e.g. a dynamic visual identity).

Independently of being computational or not, the final form of the artifacts depends on a set of parameters and low-level design decisions that the designer defines implicitly or explicitly. Due to the number of parameters and consequent combinatorial explosion, the designer only explores a small subset of the parametric space.


The key goals of the present proposal are: (a) Design and implement mechanisms to allow the exploration of the implicit/explicit parametric space associated with current programmatic generative design models; (b) Make steps towards the development of approaches able to create generative models from a set of examples.

Addressing each of these goals involves attaining several sub-goals: developing generative artifacts, studying design processes, defining a markup language for tagging parameters, developing an evolutionary framework, and studying fitness assignment schemes.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 – Survey the state of the art in Generative Design
T2 – Survey the state of the art in Evolutionary Art
T3 – Framework proposal
T4 – Proof of concept / Early Prototype
T5 – Writing of the Intermediary report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T1 – Implementation of the Framework
T2 – Experimentation and validation
T3 – Refinement
T4 – Article writing and submission
T5 – Writing the final report


The work will be conducted in the Cognitive and Media Systems (CMS). The student is awarded a scholarship (Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado) for at least 6 months, renewable for an equal period by agreement between the advisor and the intern. The scholarship will follow the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) monthly stipend guidelines.


Penousal Machado / Tiago Martins 📩