Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-16 10:57:04 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Rehabilitation Games

Local do Estágio

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Coimbra


A smart insole is a thin pressure film inserted into the shoe in order to measure the pressure map of the foot. This insole is composed of over 100 pressure sensors that provides a map of pressure of the foot, during standing, walking and running. The goal of the project is to use this hardware and design games for a smart phone which will be used by patients for rehabilitation at home.


In this project student will use two instrumented insoles in order to design rehabilitation games. These games will be then used for rehabilitation of patients with walking disorders.

The rehabilitation games can be roughly divided to two categories. Balance Games (static position) and Walking Games (Dynamic walking). The game can be designed for a smart phone, android/iOS. The input for the games comes from the insole which is a matrix of 100 pressure reading transmitted via Bluetooth to the software.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1. Design of User Interface
2. Acquire pressure map data
3. Visualization of pressure map data

All of the above is already achieved for a windows application, but not for a smart phone.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1. To design, test and validate the two rehabilitation games
2. Record data in the software and present graphs for medical doctor


Student should have a good command in programming. Some previous experience on design of android and iOS apps is welcome.

An interaction with medical doctors will be a part of project. Contacts with medical doctors is already established by the project Supervisor.


Laboratory of Robotics and Mechanism of ISR-UC has close collaborations with the Carnegie Mellon University in the areas related with soft electronics, soft hands, Tactile sensing, Human Machine Interaction, novel interactive concepts, and is constantly looking for talented students to join the team.

In the Laboratory you find an excellent range of prototyping equipment, including four different 3D printers, Laser cutting Machine, Polymer processing equipment for casting sculptures and sensors, a wide range of electronics hardware for human machine interaction.
Students are welcome to visit the lab and the hardware before making a decision. Just send an email to

Also since the proposals are advertised also for Erasmus Students, students are advised to talk to us and also to select more than one project from our list as option 2 and 3.


Mahmoud Tavakoli 📩