Propostas Atribuidas

Gerado a 2024-07-16 10:36:51 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Visualization of Flow Information

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In this era of astonishing information volumes and availability, visualization plays an important role in deciphering complexity and providing insights about the data. Information Visualization can support decision making by dynamically integrating, correlating, merging and clustering large volumes data, by presenting the results to the user in a perceptible way and by allowing an interactive exploration of the representational space. The process of building information visualization artefacts goes through data mining, construction of representation models, message discovery and/or communication. Although there is an increasing number of software tools dedicated to visualization, these tools consider these steps in isolation.


This proposal focuses on the methods for representing and visualizing flows of information. The theoretical part of the research analyses and synthesises the state of the art in the visualization of information regarding flows. This analysis will contemplate geo-referenced and diagrammatic visualizations. Based on the analysis of the state of the art, we will then developed novel georeferenced and diagrammatic visualization models and apply them to specific datasets.
In particular, we are interested in the visualization of the movements of population associated with the transatlantic slave trade. The models developed for this dataset should be designed for broad audience, adequately portraying the data and providing the contextual clues necessary to understand the impacts of slave trading. In the second semester we will focus on the visualization of large volumes of flow information mainly using diagrammatic approaches.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Step 1 - Revision of the Bibliography .
Step 2 - Determining the techniques to use and develop
Step 3 - Development of visualization of the transatlantic slave trade
Step 4 - Thesis and work plan proposal

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Step 5 - Development of visualization models for the diagrammatic representation of flows.
Fase 6 - Experimentation, validation and analysis of the visualization.
Fase 7 - Writing of the Thesis.
Fase 8 - Scientific paper.


The student will work in the CMS group of CISUC, with access to all its facilities and resources. A six month scholarship may be available for the second semester.


Penousal Machado & João Bicker 📩