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Gerado a 2024-10-18 11:58:34 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Nature-inspired adaptive and interactive visualization model

Local do Estágio

Computational Design and Visualization Lab. - CISUC


In this era of astonishing information volumes and availability, visualization plays an important role in deciphering complexity and providing insight.
Information visualization can support decision making by dynamically integrating, correlating, fusing and clustering large volumes data, by presenting the results to the user in a perceptible way and by allowing the interactive exploration of the representational space.
The process of building information visualization artefacts passes through data mining, construction of representation models, message discovery and/or communication. Although there is an increasing number of software tools dedicated to visualization, these tools consider these steps in isolation.


This task will focus on the development of an integrated environment for building, browsing and presenting visualizations of high-level knowledge. This environment aims to provide an experience that engages the user through the whole visualization construction process.
Based in our recent experiments considering visual clustering and generative storytelling, we invest in nature-inspired techniques to build visualization models. This approach has several motivations and advantages: Create visualization engines that respond to data streams, converging to each new data state and naturally deriving transitions between states, i.e., data is the environment; Promote emergent complex behavior that results from low-level, simple, interactions among agents. Explore emergence to attain visual patterns from data with varying forms of expression; Introduce inaccuracies in representation that accentuate prominent features and attain different degrees of expression, enhancing high-level knowledge extraction; Humanise the contemporary complexity in information visualization, producing artifacts with strong visual metaphors that act as ludic devices.
Special emphasis will be given to the visualization of graph-like structures, namely augmented graphs, and changes of these structures.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Fase 1 - Revisão da bibliografia e Estado da Arte.
Fase 2 - Escolha e estudo dos dispositivos de interacção a utilizar
Fase 3 - Desenvolvimento de um protótipo simples para demonstração de conceito.
Fase 4 - Elaboração da proposta de dissertação.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Fase 5 - Desenvolvimento de soluções de visualização e interacção de acordo com o plano de investigação da proposta.
Fase 6 - Testes e experimentação.
Fase 7 - Escrita da Dissertação.
Fase 8 - Escrita de um artigo científico.


O estágio será realizado nas instalações do Computational Design Lab.


Penousal Machado 📩