Propostas sem aluno atríbuido MDM 2013/2014

Gerado a 2025-01-03 07:27:23 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

An Adaptive Hypermedia/Web-based System based on User Models of Selective Attention and Emotion

Área Científica

adaptive hypermedia

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Adaptive hypermedia (AH) and other Adaptive Web Systems (AWS) belong to the class of user adaptive software systems. One distinctive feature of an adaptive system is a user model. The user model is a representation of information about an individual user that is essential for an adaptive system to provide the adaptation effect, i.e., to behave differently for different users. For example, when the user searches for relevant information, the system can adaptively select and prioritize the most relevant items; when the user navigates from one item to another, the system can manipulate the links (e.g., hide, sort, annotate) to provide adaptive navigation support; when the user reaches a particular page, the system can present the content adaptively. To create and maintain an up-to-date user model, an adaptive system collects data for the user model from various sources that may include implicitly observing user interaction and explicitly requesting direct input from the user. This process is known as user modeling. User modeling and adaptation are two sides of the same coin. The amount and the nature of the information represented in the user model depend to a large extent on the kind of adaptation effect that the system has to deliver.
A fundamental strategy for dealing with this problem of adaptive hypermedia may include making web-based systems that incorporate user models of emotion and selective attention so that the cognitively and affectively, relevant/interesting web content is adaptively provided for a particular user while ignoring other less cognitively and affectively, relevant web content.


The goal of this internship is to develop an adaptive web-based system based on user models of selective attention and emotion. It involves:
(i) integration of the user models of emotion and selective attention described in [Macedo, 2013] into a web-based system;
(ii) develop an web-based system that customizes its content according to the user models of (i)

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1- State of the Art [Sept – Nov]
2- Analysis and Specification [Dec]
3- Definition of System Requirements
3.1- Use Case Definition
3.2- Design and Specification
4- Prototype Development [Dec – Feb]
5- Thesis Proposal Writing [Dec – Feb]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

6- Prototype Improvement [Mar – May]
7- Experimental Tests [Jun – Jul]
7.1- Functional Tests
7.2- Performance Tests
8- Thesis Writing [Jun – Jul]


The work will be developed in one of the labs of the Cognitive and Media Systems.


- Macedo, L. 2013. Arguments for a Computational Model for Forms of Selective Attention based on Cognitive and Affective Feelings. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2013).
- Proceedings of the Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems Conferences


Luis Macedo 📩