Propostas para selecção dos alunos

Gerado a 2025-02-03 14:51:18 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

2024/25_N16 Runtime Application Security and Observability

Local do Estágio

Altice Labs


Security is an important part of any application that comprises critical functionality or personal/sensitive data. Recent cyber attacks (such as MOVEit
and AT&T attacks) and the approval of more strict regulations (like the European GDPR and the NIS2 Directive) put tremendous pressure on the need
for various industries to ascertain the security of their products and services. As attacks on applications continue to rise, businesses are finding it challenging to properly safeguard all of their applications, some of which may harbor vulnerabilities that were not identified or mitigated early on within the software development lifecycle (SDLC) or through various types of application security testing. This is why monitoring the runtime application and
including protection within the application itself helps companies better balance security requirements with the imperative to roll out apps in a timely manner.


The main goal of this project is to improve the runtime application security and observability mechanisms in place at Altice Labs. It includes the gathering of state-of-the-art best practices in this scope, as well as the research and comparison of the available open-source and commercial tools that help address this issue. This comparison should result in the proposal of a minimalist toolset fit to implement the researched state-of-the-art best practices in Altice Labs applications. The researched best practices and proposed toolset should then be applied to an Altice Labs application deployment, to validate its feasibility and ability to address Altice Labs needs regarding runtime application security and observability.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Research state-of-the-art best practices concerning runtime application security and observability;
Research, compare, and select open-source tools for runtime security and observability;
Research, compare, and possibly select commercial tools for runtime security and observability;
Write a report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Test the selected tools in the context of an Altice Labs application, including the analysis of the performance impact caused by such tools;
Write a final report with the main findings of the project.


Integration in Inova-Ria's GENIUS Research Program.
Promoting Entity: Inova-Ria
Host organization: Altice Labs
With the possibility of joining a Research Grant - GENIUS Program - during the completion of the dissertation project - Integration into an R&D team at Altice Labs.
The value of the grant is in accordance with the FCT tables (see pdf at (
Period according to the University's framework.
- Timetable: According to university framework
- Format: hybrid or remote (to be arranged)
- Means: allocation of a laptop PC and access to the Altice Labs internal network
- Welcome Kit
- Onboarding in the Altice Labs teams, with the assignment of a full-time tutor
- Possibility of taking part in all the knowledge-sharing or entertainment initiatives carried out by Altice Labs
- Possibility of joining the company's staff

Interested students should send to cc Dr. Regina Maia Sacchetti (963618710).
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Subjects taken so far with averages; simple electronic document, which you can obtain from the academic portal.

Selection process: Inova-Ria - GENIUS PROGRAM interview in which the project supervisor will take part in order to clarify the issues involved.


Aspetos Inovadores
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM);
Extended Detection and Response (XDR);
Software supply chain security (runtime component analysis);
Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP);
Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP).

Ferramentas a utilizar
Private Cloud (OpenShift) and Public Cloud (AWS);
Observability Tools (SIEM, XDR, etc.);
Runtime Security Tools (component analysis, RASP, CNAPP, etc.).

Referências Bibliográficas

Competências Chave Requeridas
Security knowledge, more specifically regarding runtime security and observability;
Critical thinking;
Good communication skills.

Orientador (nome e e-mail)
Mafalda Nunes -
Paulo Vieira -
Para concorrer podes enviar a tua candidatura, envia e-mail para o Programa GENIUS:


Mafalda Nunes 📩