Propostas atribuidas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2025-02-03 14:52:41 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Study and Development of Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms for the Neuropil Protocol Framework

Local do Estágio

Pi-lar - Enterprise Architects, Cologne, Germany


The advent of quantum computing presents a significant challenge to contemporary cryptographic systems, which are crucial to securing digital communication, financial transactions, and personal data. Classical cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and ECC, rely on mathematical problems that are computationally infeasible to solve with current technology but could be efficiently tackled by quantum computers using algorithms like Shor's. As quantum computing progresses, the potential for breaking these cryptographic schemes becomes a real threat, thus leading to the need for the development of post-quantum cryptography. Post-quantum algorithms are designed to be secure against both classical and quantum attacks, ensuring long-term data security. Their relevance is underscored by the proactive need to protect sensitive information and maintain trust in digital systems. As industries prepare for the quantum era, integrating post-quantum cryptographic solutions becomes crucial for safeguarding future-proof security infrastructures. This thesis proposal aims at exploring the use of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms in the Neuropil secure messaging and data exchange protocol framework.


The goals of this dissertation are the following:

1. Understand post-quantum cryptography:
- Conduct a review of the current state of post-quantum cryptography.
- Identify the primary post-quantum algorithms being considered for standardization by entities like NIST, and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
- Analyse and understand the key aspects these algorithms, namely in what concerns security, performance, and implementation complexity.

2. Explore and implement quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms in Neuropil:
- Develop a prototype implementation of one or more selected post-quantum algorithms within the Neuropil protocol framework.
- Ensure the implementation maintains the protocol’s standards for privacy, security, and efficiency.

3. Performance and security analysis:
- Analyse the performance of the implemented post-quantum cryptographic solutions in the Neuropil protocol.
- Conduct security testing to evaluate the robustness of the implementation against potential quantum attacks.

4. Provide practical recommendations:
- Offer recommendations targeting future versions of the Neuropil protocol framework.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Phase 1: Literature review (Weeks 1-9)

- Conduct a literature review on post-quantum cryptography and the Neuropil protocol.
- Identify key post-quantum algorithms and evaluate their current development status.
- Review existing implementations of post-quantum algorithms in similar contexts.
- Analyse identity-based encryption schemes (especially, attribute-based-encryption, CP-ABE) and determine their quantum proof features.

Phase 2: In-depth study of the Neuropil protocol (Weeks 7-12)

- Detailed study of the current Neuropil protocol.
- Identify Neuropil’s resistance to active and/or passive quantum attacks.
- Identify the Neuropil’s building blocks that need to be changed, and in which priority.

Phase 3: Algorithm selection and analysis (Weeks 12-21)

- Select a set of post-quantum algorithms for detailed evaluation.
- Conduct a comparative analysis of the selected algorithms.
- Develop criteria for assessing the algorithms’ suitability for implementation in the Neuropil protocol. Which quantum algorithm has the best fit to the current solution?
- Preliminary implementation experiments, with the aim of preparing the prototype development in the next phase.
- Preparation for the intermediate presentation.

Note: writing of intermediate thesis documentation should be done throughout the semester, in parallel with phases 1-3.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Phase 4: Prototype development (Weeks 22-36)

- Design the integration of selected post-quantum algorithms into the Neuropil protocol.
- Implementation of the prototype within the Neuropil framework.
- Ensure the prototype adheres to the required standards of security, privacy, and efficiency.

Phase 5: Performance and security testing (Weeks 34-40)

- Develop a testing plan to evaluate the performance and security of the implemented algorithms.
- Conduct performance benchmarks and security tests.
- Analyze the results to identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential improvements.

Phase 6: Documentation and thesis writing (Weeks 39-42)

- Integrate all research, analysis, and implementation details into the thesis document.
- Revise the thesis, ensuring clarity, coherence, and academic rigor.
- Prepare the final presentation summarizing the thesis objectives, outcomes, findings, and recommendations.

Note: Writing of final thesis documentation should be done throughout the semester, in parallel with phases 4-6.


In principle, the workstations in the pi-lar GmbH office are equipped with ergonomic desk chairs, height-adjustable desks, appropriate lighting and large monitors. Mr. Marques will therefore be able to use extensive computational resources during his internship at pi-lar GmbH. Although he is not provided with his own hardware (e.g. his own laptop), there are sufficient workstations in the office for him to use.

Mr. Marques will always have a contact person in the office who he can turn to at any time during his practical phase at pi-lar GmbH to clarify any questions or receive assistance. This enables the student to receive comprehensive support and allows ideal preparation for writing his Master's thesis.


At Pi-lar - Enterprise Architects, Cologne, Germany, the local supervisor will be Dr. Stephan Schwichtenberg. Dr. Schwichtenberg holds a Master of Business Administration from the TiasNimbas Business School (2012), and a Master in Information Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, Cologne (2001). He is the founder and CEO of Pi-lar - Enterprise Architects.

In addition to the conditions in general, Mr. Marques will have access to the local development environment and computing resources of pi-lar GmbH. He will also have access to the roadmap planning and architecture documents.

Overall, he will be given on-the-job training in which he can work in a practice-oriented manner.


Fernando Boavida 📩