Propostas com aluno atribuído

Gerado a 2025-03-04 00:08:30 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Developing opacity-based security approaches for discrete event systems

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Universidade de Roma Tre + LCT (DEI/UC)


The fundamental objective for this thesis is focused in exploring the potential of opacity for protection for discrete time systems (modelled as finite state machines), with a view towards reinforcing security and resilience for control applications.


Opacity is the property whether a system prevents an intruder from revealing the secret. The intruder is modeled as a passive observer as a passive observer with the complete knowledge of the structure of the system, but with only limited observation of its behavior. Based on its observation, the intruder estimates the behavior of the system, and the system is opaque if the intruder's estimation never reveal the secret. This means that, for any secret behavior of the system, there is a non-secret behavior that looks the same to the intruder.

If the secret is modeled as a set of secret states, the opacity is referred to state-based opacity. If the secret is modeled as a set of secret behavior, the opacity is referred to as language-based opacity. Thus, the objective of this work is to develop potential approaches to implement opacity characteristics in discrete time systems, also evaluating their ability to perform as expected in the face of adversarial situations.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

• Review of FSM and discrete time systems
• State of the art review about opacity techniques
• Requirement elicitation
• Preliminary evaluation of candidate approaches
• Planning and development of evaluation scenarios/use cases
• Definition of a preliminary solution to implement opacity characteristics
• Writing of documentation, including the interim report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

• Implementation of the selected approach(es)
• Refinement of the proposed solution
• Definition of the validation plan
• Validation of the proposed solution
• Final Documentation and Writing of the Report/Dissertation


The ability to work within a team will be essential, as the candidate will be part of a joint effort between the Multimedia and Security Laboratory of the University of Roma Tre and the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics of the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra. A workspace will be provided in a Roma Tre laboratory, which will be involved in the daily dynamics of the project and the group, under joint coordination/monitoring of both the Italian and Portuguese teams.


A co-orientadora do lado de Roma Tre será a professora Federica Pascucci, cujos dados se encontram a seguir:

Prof. Federica Pascucci, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering
Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Tiago J. S. Martins da Cruz 📩