Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 12:18:02 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Statistical analysis of global ionosphere maps (GIMs) in relation to space weather effects

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Global ionosphere map (GIM) of the total electron content (TEC) is one of the popular products to access changes of ionospheric conditions both for scientific and operational (e.g., GNSS service availability) purposes. In this work a statistical analysis of TEC GIMs focused on the South European/Mediterranean region is proposed to understand the effect of space weather (solar, interplanetary medium and magnetospheric conditions) on the ionosphere at middle European latitudes.


Using the principal component analysis (PCA), obtain main spatio-temporal and temporal modes of TEC for the studied regions;
Using correlation analysis, estimate co-variability between different space weather parameters (e.g., solar wind parameters, solar UV and XR flux, and daily number of the solar flares, geomagnetic indices) and amplitude of main PCA modes of TEC.
Following the correlation analysis results define space weather parameters that are most important to forecast TEC variations in middle latitudes of the European sector (e.g., Iberian Peninsula). Build regression model using these parameters and test errors spatial and temporal distribution

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 (M1): Knowledge transfer (PCA and its applications).
T2 (M1-M2): PCA of TEC GIMs for selected time intervals (1st order PCA to separate temporal and spatial TEC variations).
T3 (M3): Analysis of the spatial TEC modes for different months, main patterns, their physical meanings.
T4 (M3-M4): PCA of TEC temporal modes (2nd order PCA to separate typical daily TEC variations and their amplitudes).
T5 (M5): Writing of the interim report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T7 (M6): Knowledge transfer (correlation analysis and linear regression models).
T8 (M6-M7): Correlation analysis of the amplitudes of the TEC daily modes with space weather parameters. Selection of parameters for the regression model
T9 (M7-M8): Development of regression models for the amplitudes of the TEC daily modes. GIMs reconstruction
T10 (M8-M9):Validation of regression model for GIMs, analysis of errors
T11 (M9): Final assessment of the TEC GIMs errors and their dependence on the external conditions (solar/geomagnetic activity level, season etc.)
T12 (M10): Thesis writing


Thesis proposal for the MECD’s student Davi Campos do Nascimento,


Please contact the advisors for any questions or clarification needed.

There is a co-supervisor from DEI:
Dr. César A. D. Teixeira, DEI, FCTUC,


Anna Morozova 📩