Propostas com aluno atribuido

Gerado a 2024-07-17 12:29:32 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Designing sustainable and equitable goals in supply chains

Local do Estágio

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica


The call for sustainable-equity among multiple supply chain players put the truthfulness of sustainable value to the fore of the supply chain management research. However, balancing players’ responses between sustainable and equitable goals across the supply chain is the opposite of trivial, and current quantitative models are of almost no practical use to design and run such supply chains. In this context, this project aims to develop optimization models to design an equitable distribution of environmental and social responsibilities across supply chains, at the same time players pursue their own goals; and different degrees of influence and power within the supply chain are considered. Through a ready-to-assemble furniture supply chain industrial application, this project provides a stepping-stone to foster more purposeful models for designing and running sustainable multi-stakeholder chains, whereas supply chain players have liability for their effects upon others


The call for sustainable-equity among multiple supply chain players put the truthfulness of sustainable value to the fore of the SCM research. However, balancing players’ responses between sustainable and equitable goals across the supply chain is the opposite of trivial. Therefore, the overarching objective of this project is to develop optimization models to design an equitable distribution of environmental and social responsibilities across supply chains.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Perform a literature review on the problem to be addressed

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Develop a strategic network design mathematical model that adequately addresses sustainable-equity issues among multiple supply chain players. At the strategic level, a network model will be developed with manufacturers, ware-houses, retailers, and demand markets to explicitly integrate sustainable-equity decisions. In particular, the model will investigate operational constraints faced by different players, as well as their degree of influence within the supply chain, and compute the resultant equity pattern of product flows and levels of social and environmental responsibility activities. The resulting network will facilitate decision-makers to assess the impact of the sustainable activities on their key objectives, as well as on the set of upstream and downstream tiers.


Esta dissertação já se encontra atribuída ao Aluno André Abreu Couto (2019215056)


University of Coimbra 📩