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Gerado a 2024-07-17 09:40:12 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Leveraging RoCS Framework for UAV Control

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

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Several architectures and frameworks for robotic systems are available in the literature. Nevertheless, when considering heterogeneous robot architectures and applications, it is still an arduous and costly job to reuse existing software, either in partial or complete form, as most with ad-hoc solutions. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to perform fair comparisons of specialized algorithms (e.g., navigation, vision) in a real scenario, when a modular architecture is not available. The RoCS (Robotics and Cognitive Systems) framework was developed to facilitate the organization, modularization, and reuse of components in robotic systems. The framework’s architecture instantiates the self-adaptive Autonomic Computing Architecture defined by IBM (2005), known as MAPE-K, under a robotics perspective.

This thesis aims to develop simulated experiments using RoCS (which until now has only been used for the development of wheeled robots) in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This will be achieved using well-known simulation environments and representative scenarios. The framework will be evaluated by considering various attributes, such as robustness and performance. Limitations and subsequent solutions that might be encountered will be integrated into the framework.

Ramos, L., Divino, G., de França, B. B. N., Montecchi, L., and Colombini, E. (2019b). The RoCS Framework to Support the Development of Autonomous Robots. In XXII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIBSE 2019), La Habana, Cuba.

Ramos, L., Divino, G. L. G., Lopes, G. C., de França, B. B. N., Montecchi, L., & Colombini, E. L. (2019). The RoCS framework to support the development of autonomous robots. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 7, 10-1.


The learning objectives of this master internship are:
1) Autonomous systems: Learn about the development of autonomous systems, common practices, frameworks, simulation environments
2) Software Engineering: RoCS is a comprehensive framework built on top of one of the most well-know architectures for self-adaptive systems, MAPE-K. Developing a UAV control system using the RoCS framework and evaluating its suitability will allow acquiring critical software engineering skills on highly relevant topics
3) Research design: Understand how to design and execute an experimental process to address complex and open research issues. This will also require developing critical skills for objectively analyzing and comparing the results.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

[09/09/2024 a 20/10/2024] Literature review
Study the concepts to be used in the internship, namely self-adaptive systems, MAPE-K, autonomous systems development
[21/10/2024 a 05/11/2024] Analysis and selection of target techniques
Identification, analysis, and selection of which target frameworks, simulators, and datasets/scenarios will be used
[06/11/2024 a 03/12/2024] Definition of the experimental process
Design and plan the experimental process that will be used to conduct the study
[04/12/2024 a 15/01/2025] Write the dissertation plan

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

[06/02/2025 a 6/03/2025] Set up the experimental testbed
Set up the testbed required to conduct the experiments
[7/03/2025 a 17/04/2025] Conduct the experimental campaign
Use the testbed to conduct the experimental process
[18/04/2025 a 08/05/2025] Analyze, explore, and process the results
Process, explore and analyze the results obtained from the experimental process on the use of RoCS for controlling UAV
[09/05/2025 a 05/06/2025] Write a scientific paper
[06/06/2025 a 08/07/2025] Write the thesis


The work is to be executed at the laboratories of the CISUC’s Software and Systems Engineering Group.


Co-supervised by Professor Breno França and Esther Colombini from UNICAMP, Brazil


João R. Campos 📩