Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 09:20:47 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Automation for a Cloud Continuum Framework

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Travessa Senhor das Barrocas, nº38, 3800-075 Aveiro / Remote


Ubiwhere is at the forefront of defining technical and functional requirements for 6G use cases, contributing to the development of a comprehensive computing continuum framework, and validating results through rigorous analysis. Over the years, we have established a strong legacy in telecommunications research and development, progressing from Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) to the advanced capabilities of 5G, and now pioneering the future with 6G technologies.

Our extensive experience in SDN and NFV has laid the groundwork for creating agile and flexible network infrastructures, which was further enhanced with our contributions to 5G. This evolution has enabled us to innovate and implement complex network solutions that meet the dynamic needs of modern telecommunications. The 6G-Cloud project represents the next step in this journey, aiming to investigate, create, and test key technologies necessary to achieve an AI-native, cloud-friendly system architecture that seamlessly operates within the cloud continuum.

The 6G-Cloud project will integrate cloud resources provided by various stakeholders, allowing for the flexible and dynamic composition of network functions across different 6G network segments in hybrid cloud environments. By leveraging our deep expertise and long-standing commitment to telco R&D, we are well-positioned to drive forward the innovations needed for the 6G era.


The primary goals of this work are:

1. Study the State-of-the-Art in Automation for the Computing Continuum:
- Conduct a comprehensive literature review to understand the current advancements and best practices in automation within the computing continuum.
- Identify key technologies, methodologies, and frameworks that are leading the field.

2. Research and Develop a solution compliant with proposed practices:
- Based on the findings from the state-of-the-art study, research and develop a solution that aligns with the latest proposed practices and standards in the field.
- Ensure the solution integrates seamlessly with existing technologies and enhances the flexibility and efficiency of cloud resource management.

3. Design and Develop the Framework:
- Create a detailed design for the automation framework, outlining its architecture, components, and interactions.
- Develop the framework, ensuring it is robust, scalable, and capable of managing cloud resources dynamically and efficiently across hybrid environments.
- Test and validate the framework in real-world scenarios to ensure it meets the required performance and reliability standards.

By achieving these objectives, this project will significantly advance Ubiwhere's capabilities in the 6G-Cloud domain, providing a cutting-edge automation framework that enhances the management and orchestration of cloud resources. The outcomes will include:

- A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Report: Detailed documentation of current advancements and best practices in automation for the computing continuum.
- A Research-Based Automation Solution: A thoroughly researched and developed solution that adheres to the latest practices in the field.
- A Robust and Scalable Framework: A fully designed and developed automation framework that enhances the flexibility and efficiency of managing cloud resources in hybrid environments.
- Validation and Real-World Application: Rigorous testing and validation results, demonstrating the framework's effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

This project will position Ubiwhere as a leader in the development of 6G-Cloud technologies, contributing to the creation of intelligent, dynamic, and flexible network solutions for the future. Our ongoing commitment to excellence in telco R&D, from SDN and NFV to 5G and beyond, ensures that we are well-equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 6G era.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 – Definição do conceito e levantamento de requisitos

T2 – Estado da Arte
. Soluções do mercado
. Projetos de Investigação
. Tecnologia Open source

T3 – Escrita da tese + Proof of concept (MVP - minimum viable product)
. Arquitetura
. Plano de trabalhos
. Estado da Arte
. Riscos

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T1 – State-of-the-Art Analysis in 6G:
Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the art in 6G technologies, including key advancements, methodologies, and existing frameworks.

T2 – Research and Develop a Solution for the 6G Computing Continuum:
Research and design an innovative solution that addresses the computing continuum within 6G networks, focusing on integration, automation, and optimization.

T3 – Solution Development:
Develop the designed solution, ensuring it meets the specified requirements and integrates seamlessly with 6G network components.

T4 – Validation and Acceptance Testing:
Conduct rigorous validation and acceptance testing to ensure the solution's reliability, performance, and compliance with 6G standards.

T5 – Dissertation Writing:
Document the entire research and development process, including findings, methodologies, and outcomes, culminating in a comprehensive dissertation.


Data de início - A definir posteriormente
Data de fim - A definir posteriormente
Horário - Horário Flexível
Tipo de regalias oferecidas - 2 x IAS (509,26€), num total de 1018,52€ a pagar no final do estágio; 1 x IAS (509,26€) como prémio de bom desempenho se o estagiário obtiver média final de curso igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Tipo de formação oferecida aos estagiários - Formação mensal contínua.



Based in SCRUM.

Dados a usar:

Infraestrutura cloud e edge do projeto 6G-cloud a recolher pela Ubiwhere com o consórcio do projeto.

AI-native architecture; dynamic 6G network functions; ETSI MEC standards compliance; Computing continuum automation; flexible network composition; hybrid cloud integration


André Filipe Gomes Duarte 📩