Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 09:36:38 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Benchmarking on-premise Kubernetes technologies

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Travessa Senhor das Barrocas, nº38, 3800-075 Aveiro / Remote


Ubiwhere, a leading company in the digital sector, specializes in the research and development of cutting-edge technological solutions for Smart Cities. With a solid reputation and extensive experience in implementing smart city products, Ubiwhere is often called upon to provide services and represent the industry at various platforms.
As we advance, the next step is to enhance the management of services and applications running on different devices from edge to cloud (including on-premise datacentres). This brings us to Kubernetes - a powerful tool that enables on-premise data centers to adopt cloud-native infrastructure and applications, independent of public cloud providers. By integrating Kubernetes, organizations using KVM, VMware vSphere, OpenStack, and even bare metal environments can achieve the agility and efficiency of cloud-native operations.
At Ubiwhere, we leverage Kubernetes to deploy and orchestrate multiple solutions, ensuring optimal performance and scalability. This project aims to test and identify the most effective technologies for Kubernetes deployments within our unique operational context. By doing so, we will solidify our ability to deliver robust and innovative solutions, further enhancing our contributions to the smart city ecosystem.


This work aims to achieve two primary objectives:

1. Develop a Comprehensive Taxonomy of Virtualization-Related Architectures and Components:
This taxonomy will provide an extensive overview of the field, focusing on technical features, services, and user satisfaction. It will explore the unique characteristics of various virtualization architectures and components, offering a detailed classification that can serve as a reference for both technical and strategic decision-making.

2. Present a Generic and Accurate Model to Assess the Capability of On-Premise Kubernetes Clusters:
This model will offer a robust framework for evaluating the performance and scalability of Kubernetes clusters in on-premise environments. It will enable a thorough analysis and clear understanding of the current Kubernetes landscape, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of different solutions.

To achieve these objectives, several Kubernetes solutions will be rigorously tested to determine their impact on overall performance and user satisfaction. By doing so, the project will provide valuable insights into the most effective technologies for Kubernetes deployment in diverse operational contexts.

The expected outcomes of this work include:

- A detailed taxonomy that enhances understanding of virtualization architectures and informs better decision-making.
- A practical assessment model that stakeholders can use to evaluate and improve their Kubernetes deployments.
- Comprehensive testing results that identify the best Kubernetes solutions for on-premise use, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.

Ultimately, this project will empower Ubiwhere to further refine its smart city solutions, leveraging the full potential of Kubernetes to deliver innovative and reliable services.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Literature review and technology survey
Survey of existing tools, if any, and technological capabilities to benchmark K8s solutions on-prem
Establishment of workplan, identification of technologies to benchmark and benchmarking methodology

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Design of test automation and data collection infrastructure
Implementation of benchmark infrastructure
Experimental benchmark
Result analysis
Thesis writing


Data de início: A definir posteriormente
Data de fim: A definir posteriormente
Horário: Horário flexível
Tipo de regalias oferecidas - 2 x IAS (509,26€), num total de 1018,52€ a pagar no final do estágio; 1 x IAS (509,26€) como prémio de bom desempenho se o estagiário obtiver média final de curso igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Tipo de formação oferecida aos estagiários: Formação mensal contínua.


Based in SCRUM.


André Filipe Gomes Duarte 📩