Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 09:26:15 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Low-code platforms for data integration

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Travessa Senhor das Barrocas, nº38, 3800-075 Aveiro / Remote


Low-code and no-code development platforms have emerged as powerful tools for individuals who lack programming expertise or the time to code. These platforms enable users to create applications through graphical user interfaces and configurations instead of traditional hand-coded programming. Despite being built on robust coding languages like PHP, Python, and Java, they abstract the complexity, making development accessible to a broader audience. Low-code platforms are particularly valuable for integrating diverse data types, playing a crucial role in Big Data scenarios by simplifying the process of data integration and management.

For smart cities, the value proposition of low-code platforms is significant. These platforms provide a flexible and efficient solution to avoid vendor lock-in, allowing cities to maintain independence in their data acquisition processes. By empowering city officials and non-technical staff to manage and integrate data seamlessly, low-code platforms address the challenge of limited technical skills and resources. This independence is crucial for the sustainability and scalability of smart city applications and products, ensuring cities can adapt to evolving needs without relying on specific vendors or highly specialized technical expertise.


This work aims to achieve two primary objectives:
1. Develop a Low-Code Platform for Data Integration:
The platform will be designed to seamlessly integrate different data types, providing a user-friendly interface that abstracts the underlying complexity. This will enable users to easily connect, transform, and manage data from various sources without needing deep technical skills. Key features will include:
- Data Connectivity: Tools to connect to a wide range of data sources, including databases, APIs, file systems, and cloud storage.
- Data Transformation: Visual tools to map, transform, and clean data, ensuring it meets the required format and quality standards.
- User Interface: An intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows users to build integration workflows easily.

2. Present a Generic and Accurate Model for Deploying Different Datasets:
This model will provide a framework for deploying diverse datasets within the low-code platform, ensuring that the system can handle various data integration scenarios efficiently. Key aspects will include:
- Scenario Testing: Evaluating the platform's performance with different data types and volumes to ensure scalability and reliability.
- Component-Based Architecture: Designing the platform with modular components that can be easily extended and customized to meet specific data integration needs.

To achieve these objectives, the project will follow a structured approach involving:

* Research and Benchmarking:
- Collaborate with Ubiwhere's Tech and IT teams to gather detailed requirements and understand specific data integration needs.
- Conduct thorough research on existing low-code platforms, evaluating them based on criteria such as ease of use, flexibility, scalability, and integration capabilities.
- Perform benchmarking tests to compare the shortlisted platforms against the gathered requirements, ensuring the chosen solution aligns perfectly with Ubiwhere's operational goals.
* Design and Planning:
- Develop a comprehensive architecture for the low-code platform, detailing the system components, data flow, and integration points within Ubiwhere’s existing infrastructure.
- Create a detailed implementation plan, including timelines, resource allocation, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies to ensure a smooth deployment process.
- Ensure the design and plan accommodate future scalability and potential enhancements, allowing Ubiwhere to adapt the platform as its data integration needs evolve.

The expected outcomes of this work include:

- A Fully Functional Low-Code Platform for Data Integration: A deployable platform that can be integrated into Ubiwhere's ecosystem, simplifying data integration and enhancing operational efficiency.
- Comprehensive Testing and Validation: Detailed testing results that demonstrate the platform's capabilities and identify areas for improvement.
- A Framework for Continuous Improvement: A model that provides ongoing evaluation and refinement of the platform, ensuring it remains effective as Ubiwhere's needs evolve.
- Thorough Documentation and Benchmarking Report: Documentation outlining the research process, benchmarking results, and rationale for the chosen solution, providing transparency and a basis for future reference.
- Detailed Architecture and Implementation Plan: A blueprint for the platform's deployment, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and prepared for successful implementation.
By achieving these objectives, this project will significantly enhance Ubiwhere's ability to manage and integrate diverse data types, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of its smart city solutions.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Literature review and technology survey
- Survey of existing tools, if any, and technological capabilities to develop low-code platforms
- Establishment of workplan, identification of technologies to develop low-code platforms for data integration

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Design of test automation and data collection infrastructure
- Implementation of a low-code platform
- Experimental scenario
- Result analysis
- Thesis writing


Data de início - A definir posteriormente
Data de fim - A definir posteriormente
Horário - Horário Flexível
Tipo de regalias oferecidas - 2 x IAS (509,26€), num total de 1018,52€ a pagar no final do estágio; 1 x IAS (509,26€) como prémio de bom desempenho se o estagiário obtiver média final de curso igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Tipo de formação oferecida aos estagiários - Formação mensal contínua.


Metodologia: Based in SCRUM.

Dados a usar: Dados abertos de cidades como Porto, Guimarães e Barcelona sobre POIs, dados ambientais e de mobilidade.

Low-code platforms; data integration; ETL processes


Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Vitorino 📩