Propostas atribuidas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2024-07-17 07:36:10 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Mosaic5G Implementation for O-RAN Supported Cell-Free Architectures

Áreas de especialidade

Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



This research will explore the usage of Mosaic5G within cell-free network configurations, focusing particularly on integration with O-RAN architectures. The project aims to harness Mosaic5G's capabilities to develop a network infrastructure that can significantly enhance connectivity and performance for mobile networks, especially in scenarios demanding high reliability and low latency, such as critical services.

The main element of this research involves the comprehensive setup, configuration, and in-depth exploration of the Mosaic5G framework. Cell-Free architectures distribute network coverage over multiple interconnected access points rather than confining it to traditional cell-defined areas. This distribution helps eliminate coverage dead zones and significantly enhance signal reliability, which is paramount where service interruptions can result in severe consequences.

Through this research, the adaptability and potential of O-RAN supported Cell-Free architectures to meet and exceed the rigorous QoS demands of critical applications will be demonstrated and tested in Mosaic5G framework. The study will provide valuable insights into the practical challenges and benefits of deploying these network technologies, potentially contributing to the broader goal of evolving mobile networks into efficient and flexible systems capable of supporting the next generation of communication needs.


The research will demonstrate how O-RAN's adaptable and intelligent mechanisms can meet the rigorous demands of critical services. By implementing and testing a Cell-Free architecture within the Mosaic5G framework, this study will showcase:

1 - Install and Configure Mosaic5G Components: Identify and set up the key components of Mosaic5G, focusing particularly on those elements that support O-RAN technologies;
2 - In-Depth Study of the Near-RT RIC: Explore the role of the Near-Real Time RAN Intelligent Controller within the O-RAN ecosystem, understanding its APIs, functionalities, and how it can be leveraged for Cell-Free architectures;
3 - Development of a Cell-Free Model with O-RAN: Utilize Mosaic5G and its component that supports the functionalities of O-RAN Near-RT RIC to develop and test a cell-free architecture;
4 - Proof of concept for the application of Cell-Free O-RAN architectures in scenarios requiring high reliability and low latency, thus meeting critical service QoS requirements;
5 - Contribution to the O-RAN Community: Contribute to the open-source community by improving or extending Mosaic5G to efficiently support Cell-Free architectures.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1 - Literature Review: Study current implementations of Mosaic5G and O-RAN architectures, with a particular focus on Cell-Free technologies;
2 - Environment Setup: Install all relevant components of Mosaic5G in a test environment that simulates real network conditions;
3 - Exploration of O-RAN Near-RT RIC (1/2): Experiment within Moisaic5G which components can be used for O-RAN Near-RT RIC functions to understand and document its functionalities and programming interfaces;
4 - Write the mid-term report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1 - Exploration of O-RAN Near-RT RIC (2/2): Experiment within Moisaic5G which components can be used for O-RAN Near-RT RIC functions to understand and document its functionalities and programming interfaces;
2 - Cell-Free Prototype Implementation: Develop a prototype using the previous components identified in objectives 2) and 3) to demonstrate the feasibility of cell-free architectures supporting critical services;
3 - Evaluation and Testing: Conduct tests to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of the proposed solution;
4 - Write the final report.


The work will be performed at the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) in the Network, Communications, and Security (NCS) Group at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra.

The work will be supervised by:

Prof. David Abreu (, University of Coimbra, Portugal

The work will be co-supervised by:
Marco Silva (, University of Coimbra, Portugal


This work is co-supervised by Marco Silva (


David Abreu 📩