Propostas atribuidas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2024-07-17 07:34:10 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Create a Performance Test Framework for Mobile Apps (Android & iOS)

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



In Mindera and our clients there is a high relevance and demand to have our deliverables met a high industry standard in performance. This leads to Mindera’s developers pioneering strategies in our solutions that aim excellence but also in the way we evaluate our mobile deliverables. Within this context we decided to create an internship program that offers students the opportunity to explore mobile application performance, gaining practical experience in analysis and optimisation across these platforms.

Mindera has an internal codebase that is used to bootstrap Android and iOS eCommerce Apps for new clients. They are fully functional apps, that will be used as a platform to build upon.

The app current state has been collected and will be used as benchmark for the platform. The platform should allow the collection of those data points at every code change for improvement.


The present project/internship aims to achieve the following goals:
- Identify all relevant performance metrics: App opening, Screen rendering time, Frame drop, Request Parsing, Database Interactions (Add, Update, Remove..) etc
- Develop a framework capable of implementing them and agnostic to enable the exported to other codebases
- Track and analysis of results, giving proposals of performance enhancement.
- Solution aligned with industry standards.
- Document the process and results for future reference and replication.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 - Explore the concepts and fundamentals of non-functional requirements and performance in mobile applications.
T2 - Hands-on on the internal mobile application project that will serve as a basis for applying the performance testing tool.
T3 - Identify and document the requirements and features of the performance testing tool by collaborating with a development team of QAEs and Developers.
T4 - Produce intermediate report, compiling preliminary data and analysing the previous tasks

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T5 - Implement a performance testing task that will serve as a Proof of Concept (POC).
T6 - Iterate on other implementations gathered and defined in T3.
T7 - Produce technical documentation and user guides on the final state of the implemented tool.
T8 - Analyse the potential of the tool, notably identifying current advantages, improvements recorded in the projects where it was used, and identifying next iterations in the development.
T9 - Produce Final Report


Work may be fully remote, partially remote or fully presential.

Food allowance 200€ + transport allowance 200€ (if travelling to the office)


The internal project that will serve as the basis for implementing this performance testing framework already utilises Appium—a mobile testing framework—with Java, and we aim to reuse this existing setup. Nevertheless, we are open to incorporating other technologies that can enhance the coverage of performance tests and align with the current project's requirements.
The additional technologies and programming languages may vary according to different phases, defined products, and the project's tech stack. This definition will be refined during Tasks 1, 2, and 3, ensuring that the chosen tools and methodologies are the most effective for achieving our performance testing goals.

The student will be integrated in existing development teams and will be able to understand first hand Agile principles and Scrum methodology.


Luís Esteves 📩