Propostas Submetidos

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:21:49 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Org-wide licensing management software

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas de Informação

Local do Estágio



"Org-wide licensing management software" is about developing a license management system for organizations. This system will provide a centralized platform to register, track, automatically issue and revoke licenses, ensuring a smooth transition when employees leave the company or are enlisted in new roles.


The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive platform that eases the management of licenses issued to employees within an organization, enhancing license management processes, improving administrative efficiency, and ensuring compliance within the organization by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution.

More specifically, the software aims to:
Streamline License Tracking - by enabling the registration and tracking of licenses assigned to employees, ensuring a centralized and organized system.
Simplify License Revocation - by providing a clear understanding of which licenses need to be revoked when an employee leaves the company, ensuring efficient management of license usage.
Enable Communication with License Providers - by establishing effective automated communication with license providers, through APIs or alternative methods, to facilitate license issuance and revocation.
Maintain Historical Track and Reporting - by storing an historical record of issued licenses, allowing for reference and generating detailed reports for better insights, analysis and cost control.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

This project holds the following major tasks
T1 - Requirement Gathering: Conduct thorough research and gather requirements from stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations for the web-based licensing management software.
T2 - System Design: Create a detailed system design, including database schema, user interface wireframes, and architecture to ensure a robust and scalable web application.
T3 - User Authentication and access control: Implement a secure user authentication system and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to control access and protect sensitive license information.
T4 - License Registration and Tracking: Develop functionality to register and track licenses assigned to employees, allowing administrators to easily view and manage license allocations.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T5 - License Revocation: Implement a mechanism to revoke licenses when employees leave the organization, ensuring timely and accurate license management.
T6 - API Development: Design and develop an API that allows seamless integration of the licensing management system with other applications, enabling data exchange and automation of license issuance and revocation processes.
T7 - Historical Tracking and Reporting: Create a system to store and maintain a historical record of issued licenses, enabling administrators to access past data and generate comprehensive reports for analysis and auditing purposes.
T8 - User Interface Development: Design and implement an intuitive and user-friendly web interface that allows administrators to efficiently navigate, manage licenses, access reporting functionalities, and interact with the integrated API.


The intern can choose between carrying out the internship at Mindera's offices in Coimbra, Aveiro or Porto, or telecommuting. It will also be feasible to carry out the internship in a hybrid regime - office and telecommuting. The working hours will be defined together with the intern depending on their availability.
Food and transportation allowance (if the internship is on-site or hybrid)


The student will be integrated in existing development teams and will be able to understand first hand Agile principles and Scrum methodology.
Technologies will vary according to different phases and defined products and tech stack to be used. This definition will occur during Tasks 1 and 2.


Cláudio Teixeira 📩