Propostas Submetidos

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:22:55 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Mindera Interview Tracker

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

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Mindera started in 2014 with 5 friends and has grow to 1300+ in 2023.
To maintain the quality of the Minders' this demands a huge interview effort as less of 1% of candidates that apply are indeed hired.

The grow and feedback from all the projects has been proving we are recruiting well, but we want to improve, and a way to improve now is to move into a data world.

A way to track the success or failure of each candidate and cross-reference that with the interviewers will helps determine which interviewers are being able to give a more accurate feedback of candidates and expand their approach to others as we continuously improve.


This project/internship aims to achieve the following general objectives:
- Integrate with Workable (our hiring pipeline) and Mindera People (our internal platform) to cross reference the progress of each candidate with their interview feedback
- Determine success rates of each pipelines and interviewers to determine which are the best practices backed up from data.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The project/internship will consist of the following activities and respective tasks:

T1 - Requirement Gathering: Conduct thorough research and gather requirements from stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations for this application
T2 - System Design: Create a detailed system design, including database schema, user interface wireframes, and architecture to ensure a robust and scalable application.
T3 - Integrate with Workable to be able to gather interviewers - newcomers relations
T4 – Write an intermediate report of the internship for the University

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T5 – Integrate with Mindera People to be able to match Workable candidates and Interviews with Minders
T6 - Tracking candidates progress via an algorithm that uses Minders feedback, salary increases and other metrics to evaluate progress
T7 - Generate a monthly, quarterly and annual report of:
- Number of interviews per pipeline
- Number of interviews per interviewer
- Success rate of pipelines per stage and total
- Success rate of interviewers
- Determine which interviewers are more likely to pass candidates that have a low growth
TX – Write a final report of the internship for the University


The intern can choose between carrying out the internship at Mindera's offices in Coimbra, Aveiro or Porto, or telecommuting. It will also be feasible to carry out the internship in a hybrid regime - office and telecommuting. The working hours will be defined together with the intern depending on their availability.
Food and transportation allowance (if the internship is on-site or hybrid)


The technologies to be used will be defined during the execution of the works, namely with the execution of point T3. This definition will be agreed with the rest of the team responsible for the development of the MP.The internship will follow the Scrum methodology with 2-week sprints. The intern will accompany the ceremonies held by the Mindera People project team: Dailies, Planning Sessions and Retrospectives.


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