Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:33:36 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Cross-Platform Mobile App Developer - Transportation Management System

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Sentilant, Incubadora do IPN, Coimbra


Sentilant, a spinoff company of the University of Coimbra currently incubated at the Pedro Nunes Institute, has been developing an operational management and optimization system ("Transportation Management System") for several years. These developments have led to the commercialization an integrated system of mobile applications, web applications, and web services for operations optimization and management. As the years pass, the need arises to revisit technologies, concepts, and approaches that allow Sentilant to maintain its current products and innovate in this market.

Cross-platform frameworks are revolutionizing mobile app development by allowing developers to create applications that run seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. These frameworks offer numerous benefits, such as accelerated development cycles, cost efficiency, and code reusability. By using a single codebase, developers can build applications that can be deployed on multiple platforms, saving time and effort. Additionally, cross-platform frameworks often come with innovative features, such as hot-reloading, which allows real-time code updates without restarting the application. Some famous examples of cross-platform frameworks include React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin. These frameworks enable developers to leverage their knowledge of web technologies like JavaScript, Dart, or C# and apply it to mobile app development, opening up a world of possibilities for creating high-performance and visually appealing applications across multiple platforms.

We seek a skilled and enthusiastic Master's student in Informatic Engineering to join our team as an Intern Cross-Platform Mobile App Developer. This internship provides an exciting chance to work on developing a state-of-the-art mobile application for our Transportation Management System using cross-platform technologies. As an intern, you will be vital in designing, implementing, and optimizing the mobile app to ensure seamless functionality across iOS and Android platforms. Join us in this internship to gain valuable experience in creating innovative solutions for transportation management through cross-platform mobile development.


- Conduct in-depth research and analysis of cross-platform technologies suitable for developing a mobile app for our Transportation Management System.
- Collaborate with the Sentilant team to define the requirements and objectives of the mobile application.
- Design and implement intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces using cross-platform frameworks.
- Develop efficient and scalable code that integrates with our Transportation Management System's backend infrastructure.
- Utilize native device capabilities, such as geolocation and push notifications, to enhance the functionality and user experience of the mobile app.
- Implement secure data communication protocols to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information.
- Conduct comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure the reliability and performance of the mobile app across different platforms and devices.
- Continuously optimize and improve the mobile app's performance, usability, and user engagement based on feedback and analytics.
- Document the design, implementation details, and lessons learned throughout the development process for future reference.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Month 1:
- Familiarize yourself with the Sentilant company, its Transportation Management System, and existing tools and technologies.
- Research cross-platform mobile app development frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin.
- Meet with the Sentilant team to understand the requirements and objectives of the mobile application.
- Analyze the existing user interface and functionality of the Transportation Management System.

Month 2:
- Define the requirements and scope of the mobile application, considering the integration with the Transportation Management System.
- Collaborate with the Sentilant team to identify critical features and functionalities the mobile app should support.
- Design the mobile app's user interface and navigation flow, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive experience.
- Create a detailed design document outlining the app's architecture, wireframes, and feature specifications.

Month 3:
- Set up the development environment for cross-platform mobile app development using the chosen framework.
- Implement the basic structure and layout of the mobile app's user interface, adhering to the design guidelines.
- Integrate the mobile app with relevant APIs and backend systems of the Transportation Management System.
- Conduct initial testing and debugging of the app's core functionalities and data communication.

Month 4:
- Develop and implement additional features and functionalities of the mobile app based on the defined requirements.
- Implement secure data communication protocols and user authentication mechanisms.
- Optimize the app's performance and responsiveness for different screen sizes and device types.
- Conduct comprehensive app testing, including functional, usability, and compatibility testing.

Month 5:
- Refine and optimize the mobile app based on feedback received from testing and evaluation.
- Implement additional enhancements and improvements to the user interface and user experience.
- Conduct thorough testing and bug fixing to ensure the app's reliability and stability.
- Prepare a report on the progress made during the first period, highlighting achievements, challenges, and plans for the next period.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Month 6:
- Refactor and optimize the mobile app's codebase for improved performance and maintainability.
- Implement additional features and functionalities based on feedback from users and stakeholders.
- Integrate analytics and monitoring tools to gather user behavior and app performance data.
- Conduct rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure a seamless experience across iOS and Android platforms.

Month 7-9:
- Continuously improve the mobile app based on user feedback and requirements.
- Implement advanced features such as geolocation, push notifications, and offline capabilities.
- Enhance the app's security measures and data encryption protocols.
- Collaborate with the Sentilant team to integrate the app into their existing systems and workflows.

Month 10:
- Perform a thorough evaluation of the mobile app's effectiveness, usability, and user satisfaction.
- Gather feedback from stakeholders and users to assess the app's alignment with initial requirements.
- Create comprehensive user documentation and training materials for the mobile app.
- Prepare and present a comprehensive evaluation report highlighting the app's benefits and areas for further improvement.


We offer flexibility regarding work arrangements, allowing the internship position to be performed remotely, on location, or in a hybrid manner based on individual preferences and company policies. The intern will be able to discuss and determine the most suitable work arrangement with the hiring manager during the onboarding process.


Diogo Costa 📩