Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:23:23 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Scalable API store for external services integration

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Ubiwhere’s R&I Center Rua Pedro Nunes - IPN , Escritório 2.18 3030–199 Coimbra. ou Remoto


Ubiwhere, Lda. was founded in September 2007 in Aveiro by three telecommunications researchers coming from the Telecommunications Institute and PT Inovação. Based in Aveiro, the company's primary goal is the development and research of cutting-edge technologies, to design the most advanced technology and create intellectual property of great value. Ubiwhere has been investing, since its creation, in increasing its technological capacity and in differentiating its products and services, focusing on niches that present competitive advantages, but that require strong investment in continuous technological development. The company works in various sectors, such as the Internet of Things, with a focus on Smart Cities, Telecommunications technologies (e.g. 5G) and technologies of the future.

API scalability refers to the ability to support concurrent requests without impact on performance. When it comes to the integration of several external services, the stability of APIs is an extremely important topic.


This work should (1) develop a scalable API to integrate external services and (2) present a generic and accurate model to deploy different services and applications.
The proposed pipeline on (1) should explore the unique features of different architectures and components, and the model on (2) should provide a basis for in-depth analysis and a clear understanding of the services to integrate.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 - Literature review and technology survey
T2 - Survey of existing tools, if any, and technological capabilities to develop APIs capable of integration external systems
T3 - Establishment of workplan, identification of technologies to develop an API
T4 - Document writing - Writing of the internship documentation.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T4 - Design of test automation and data collection infrastructure
T5 - Implementation of API
T6 - Experimental scenario
T7 - Result analysis
T8 - Thesis writing


Start date - To be defined later
End date - To be defined afterwards
Timetable - Flexible Timetable
Type of benefits offered - 2 x IAS (EUR 480.43), for a total of EUR 960.86 payable at the end of the internship; 1 x IAS (EUR 480.43) as a good performance bonus if the intern obtains a final course average equal to or higher than 16 points.
Type of training offered to trainees - Monthly continuous training


SCRUM Methodology


Daniel Carvalho 📩