Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2025-02-17 15:00:16 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio


Áreas de especialidade

Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas

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The Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology improves architectural and infrastructure projects by digitizing their processes throughout their life cycle stages, such as design, construction, management, monitoring, and operation. Despite the effort, much remains to be done for the current use of BIM in the construction industry chain. This gap can be particularly important to speed up the decision-making system in the processes of awarding materials and services inherent to the construction of buildings. Note that this process has a direct impact on the costs and deadlines for buildings execution, a process that lacks efficiency and collaboration where the relevant information is stored and managed on different platforms inherent to the various stakeholders, typically geographically distant. It is in this context that BIM, with recognized advantages in combining objects, attributes, and production characteristics, could be very relevant to support decision-making and the collaborative work and thus increase the efficiency of the entire process. Of these processes, the acquisition of finished natural stone for assembly on site stands out.


The development of a digital platform based on 4.0 technology, called BLM for Stone platform, aiming to brings BIM methodology to Portuguese mineral resources sector, allowing to putting extraction companies and stone transformers in contact with architects and civil engineers, responsible for designing and construction works, in a digital, centralized, safe and easily accessible, is the focus of the research. Its main innovation features must include, amongst others:
- Exploring interoperability mechanisms covers interfaces with proprietary formats, using of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) as an open BIM standard, as an indispensable source of information between all procurement intervenient of natural stone customized products. Note that, despite all the efforts and improvements in IFC-enabled interoperability of various BIM platforms, there is still a way to go to provide a satisfactory level for industry users [4], namely information loss and misrepresentation, resulting in model exchange being considered unreliable;
- Select and align customers’ orders based on product technical specifications (e.g. materials, finishes, dimensions, delivery times) directly read from IFC files;
- Establish supplier performance indicators to direct client orders to the right suppliers and speed up the entire procurement process;
- Simplify and accelerate of the whole procurement process regarding natural stone supply chain.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1)State of the Art, Legal and Regulatory and Market Requirements Development of a technological, regulatory and market monitoring/surveillance report (set to may 23)
2) Identification of requirements and specifications, interface design and architecture design(set and oct/23);
2) BLM Stone platform (oct-march/23):
2.1.) It is proposed to develop a virtual “fitting room” where the client can customize his BIM file with the data of the suppliers registered on the platform, allowing to fulfill their orders, improving the logistics inherent to transformation, monitoring and delivery of make-to-order products.
2.2) Develop a tool called “Mr. BIMMER” based on Data Mining (for analysing and processing the data collected through user/client IP), Machine Learning (learning about information and defining customer profiles) and AI (learning the client/platform interaction and designing of adequate answers).

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

3) Tests and validation (nov to april/23;
4) Basead on results achieved, it is proposed (april/may 23): i) Writing scientific articles (industry papers) with the main results applied to the solution; ii) Preparation of materials for the presentation of R&D results (eg. communication format and demonstration video); iii) Preparation of the live demonstration, including testing of usage scenarios.


Computador e softwares.




Nuno Miguel Lourenço Almeida 📩