Propostas Atribuidas 2023/2024

Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:45:34 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Mindera People App (iOS Native App)

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



The Mindera People platform is an internal tool, fully developed by Mindera, used to manage the organization's operational, financial and customer relationship tasks.
It is the brain of everything Mindera related and moves all manual boring processes into fully automated processes that enable Mindera to move faster and grow beyond the 1300 that we have today.


This project/internship aims move from a platform that was build thinking a web experience into a native experience.

That have also the purpose to leverage the native state-of-the-art technology to serve as a showcase of Mindera's approach to Mobile Apps.

To enable that the new Mobile App will add most used features on the web as searching and view profiles, book days off and check other Minders' days off, especially from the user's own team (to enable a simpler communication between teams, as we have unlimited days off policy that needed good sync within teams) and allow Minders to be aware of urgent notifications or ask for refunds in a really simple way.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The project/internship will consist of the following activities and respective tasks:

T1 - Requirement Gathering: Conduct thorough research and gather requirements from stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations for the iOS application
T2 - System Design: Create a detailed system design, including database schema, user interface wireframes, and architecture to ensure a robust and scalable iOS application.
T3 - User Authentication and access control: Implement a secure user authentication system based on Google Credentials
T4 - Profile: Implement a profile module that shows all the information related with a user and allows the user to change his own information
T5 - Create the intermediate report of the internship for the University

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T6 - Search: Implement a search module for internal Mindera employees by name, email or phone number that returns their profile information
T7 - My Team: Implement a team module that enables each user to see their own team(s), access their information and a shared map on holidays
T8 - Holidays: Allow each user to book or cancel days off (holidays, parent leaves, health related.. ) and upload a document related if needed
T9 - Notifications: Create a module that supports notifications in-app related with internal policies that need to be read and accepted by users
T10 - Automated Refund: Allow each user to submit a refund request, uploading one or multiple receipts
T11 - Create the final report of the internship for the University


The intern can choose between carrying out the internship at Mindera's offices in Coimbra, Aveiro or Porto, or telecommuting. It will also be feasible to carry out the internship in a hybrid regime - office and telecommuting. The working hours will be defined together with the intern depending on their availability.
Food and transportation allowance (if the internship is on-site or hybrid)


The internship will follow the Scrum methodology with 2-week sprints. The intern will accompany the ceremonies held by the Mindera People project team: Daily's, Planning Sessions, Retrospectives...
The technologies used in the project are:
Swift (iOS)


Tiago Veloso 📩