Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:28:57 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Cloud based fast distributed set

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Feedzai Offices in Lisbon and Coimbra


A recurrent problem at Feedzai is to know if a given card number, name, ip, etc is within a
given set and to maintain those sets updated in realtime. Our current solution is an in memory
implementation as part of a monolith, but as we are looking to be more cloud based we want to
change to a service oriented aproach.


The main goal is to create a service that manages sets of entities with focus on scalability and
From a scalability standpoint, the goal is to scale vertically with multiple instances of
the service. This makes it more challenging when handling consistency between distributed
One of the goals is also to measure the performance of the service, in terms of read/writes per
second, for example.
During the planning, a set of benchmarks should be designed and agreed upon as part of
acceptance criteria.
Preferably, this project should be done using the Java language. The use of a framework is
acceptable, but it should
be discussed in the early research phase, when planning the technology to use.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

● Research related work on this topic
● Plan the technologies to be used
● Plan the service architecture
● Make a service skeleton
● Write intermediate report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

● Implement the basic CRUD operations for the service
● Implement mechanisms to guarantee set consistency between nodes
● Investigate approach on how to optimize for reads or writes
● Write the final thesis report


The software and hardware required for the internship will be provided by
Feedzai. This is a paid internship. The exact duration of the internship is to be defined and the
remuneration will be 1000€ gross per month (full time).


You can find more at


Nuno Santos 📩