Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-12-04 19:09:18 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Multi-machine Digital Twin for Industrial IoT

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio

Aveiro ou Coimbra


The Industrial Internet of Thing (IIoT) space has a plethora of solutions and protocols at the plant, process and sensor level(Zigbee, Mqtt, Modbus, etc). There are also production planning systems and MRP/ERP solutions that both feed orders and have product information relevant for the manufacturing plant level.

The emergence of Digital Twins is an opportunity to better link these worlds, and provide a fully integrated solution. Digital twins allow for running several scenarios in parallel and feed in actual live data whilst injecting some parameters to test process and production plan scenarios.

Whilst digital twins have several applications - such as predictive maintenance - there is a missing link between simulating factory plant state and process and production planning options. With proper integration, digital twins could also help simulate changing production plan scenarios.


The Student will develop a Digital Twin prototype which will run in a containerized environment, and infer the current productive status for every sensing enabled machine in a factory plant.
In order to achieve this the Digital Twin must be able to obtain the following data:
* factory plant, process level data
* read sensor data from several devices and/or datasources (gateways, etc)
* production plan / ERP systems

This system will be used to automatically create a Digital twin of factory machines, productive process data and production plans. The system should be able to process both live and historical data through the same data ingestion interface. In order to provide this data, factory level industrial equipment will be provided in a Lab environment at Fiercely.
The student is allowed to conduct brief additional research to select additional equipment he may deem worthy of inclusion in the Lab environment at Fiercely, however the current environment is feature complete for the work to be performed.

The system must be able to determine the following (major functional points):
* Production plan to available machines
* current machine status
* current machine to process worthiness and availability

The development will be driven by Feature backlog, which is to be determined by the student with guidance from the company Experts.

At the end of the internship the student should have working knowledge of:
* Containerization
* Machine sensing
* Digital Twins and Production Planning

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

* State of the art review
* Applicable standards
* Story Map / Use Case definition
* Initial architecture design
* Intermediate Report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

* Solution development (In Agile way - Kanban preferred)
* Architecture update using ADR
* Final Report


* Paid internship
* Laptop
* Access to Cloud resources (AWS, Azure or Google Cloud, according to student preferences)
* Access to internal Lab resources


English will be used for official documentation.
The student is expected to work within the current IoT team and not in isolation


António Howcroft Ferreira 📩