Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:16:24 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Natural Language search analytics for JIRA

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas Inteligentes

Local do Estágio

Critical Software - Coimbra


Today’s way to interact between a human and a computer system is changing. Computer systems are becoming more intelligent
in the way they communicate with humans, with the latest developments in
Natural Language Processing helping a lot the improvement of speech recognition
and conversational interaction, like bots and home appliances (Echo and Google
Home). The days of having computer personal assistants has come, with Siri,
Cortana and others. But the problem is that there are still areas more complex
to be addressed, namely asking for data analysis to a personal assistant. Critical Software is developing the Natural
Language Search Analytics (NLSA) platform, which is a conversational/search
platform that allows the user to do analytical questions and queries in natural
language, like: “what are my top 5 customers in USA?” or “list sales product
TVs in Japan”. Part of the challenging of developing NLSA is dealing with how
to ingest the data that is available for being analysed. Not only this, but
also how the system is used, which can provide hints into how the data can be
better organised. On the other hand, Critical Software uses a common platform
for project management - Atlassian Jira. While this is a very powerful tool it
could be enhanced by having natural language search capabilities that meet our
project management requirements. This is the very first step towards a virtual
assistant project manager. Summarising this internship has a strong
engineering focus and encompasses two main challenges:- Develop a connector for Jira (using JQL
and/or SQL)
- Deploy ANSA (CSW’s natural language
search analytics platform) for the JIRA platform


The main goal of this internship is to
integrate the NLSA and JIRA platforms. To achieve this the main objectives are
as follows: - Analyse the requirements for a JQL/SQL
connector in NLSA- Implement the connector- Implement the JIRA plugin necessary for integration- Implement a configuration for the
deployment of NLSA using the connector and the plugin

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The internship has the following stages:- Requirement analysis for the plugin
[result: requirement list, M1]- Requirement analysis for the connector
[result: requirement list, M1 to M2]- Analyse project management use-cases
[result: use-case analysis, M2]- Get acquainted with NLSA and how the
connectors are implemented [M3]- Write the technical overview of the systems
involved [M1 to M4]- Creating the high-level Architecture and
Technical Specification [result: technical specification, M5 and M6]
- Writing the internship proposal [result:
internship proposal, M5 and M6]

it is mandatory to write a report in the 1st, according to the internship plan and respective tasks presented.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

The second semester comprises the following
stages:- Setting up the Development Environment
[result: Development Environment, M6]- Development of the JIRA plugin [M7]- Development of the NLSA connector [M8]- Implement the first functional prototype
[M9]- Iterate and increment the prototype based
on the project management use-cases [M10]- Write the internship report [result:
internship report, M10 and M11]
it is mandatory to write a report in the 2nd semester, according to the internship plan and respective tasks presented.


A computer and work post will be provided.


Internship duration: 12 months.

The proposal details the analysis of requirements regarding the integration of these tools and the use cases of the system to be developed.


Rui Lopes 📩