Titulo Estágio
Multi-tenant Application on the Cloud
Áreas de especialidade
Engenharia de Software
Local do Estágio
As telecommunication companies compete in complex and demanding scenarios, they are increasingly looking at cloud-based solutions to reduce time to market, development, maintenance, and operational costs. Hence, to shave costs, it is not surprising to learn that software for this industry usually aims at supporting more than a single telecommunication company with the same instances of software, a practice known as "multi-tenancy". This is especially useful when these companies are small and have a limited number of clients. For example, these companies may all offer similar Internet of telephone services, such that the same software can support all of them. In this context, it makes sense to ask the following question: given n telecom companies, is it better to run n separate instances of the software (databases, application servers, caches, etc.), or is it better to run a single instance of the software and support diversity inside that same software, e.g., by adding an identifier of the telecom company doing an API call?
Furthermore, one may ask what are the best practices in moving the software from single tenant-multiple instances installation to a multi-tenant one that truly supports all the telecom companies. What are the cases that justify that shift, what are the best practices to perform it, are there simplifications in the effort of changing the source code, if there are technologies that could facilitate this process, just to mention a few possible questions.
In this internship the student should select a sample distributed application that is representative of the telecom scenario case and should evolve it from single tenant-multiple instances installation to a multi-tenant one. In the process, the student should carefully describe the challenges and methods used and come up with a best practices manual.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
- Define the application to port. (1 month).
- Evaluate tools that can be used to do the porting (1 month).
- Define the challenges in the porting process (2 month).
- Write intermediate report (1 month).
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
- Install the application (1 month).
- Port the application (2 months).
- Write a manual of best practices. (1 month).
- Write final report (1 month).
The work should take place at the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra in the scope of the Power research project.
An 875,98 euros per month scholarship is foreseen for 6 months. The attribution of the scholarship is subject to a public application.
Filipe Araújo
filipius@uc.pt 📩