Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:37:19 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Intelligent tool to support learning and training

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas Inteligentes

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



The proposal aims to develop an intelligent & innovative tool to support learning and training of different topics (e.g., programming language, foreign language, etc) using the following approach/method:

a) The tool measures learner’s physiological signals through non-intrusive biofeedback sensors (e.g, ECG, EDA, etc.) while reading/comprehending digital content on screen.

b) The tool analyzes the learner’s biosignals to associate special patterns of the high mental and cognitive load with the content comprehension difficulties.

c) The tool uses Eye-Tracking to localize the content regions that are considered difficult to comprehend.

d) The tool uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to classify content regions based on comprehension difficulties.

e) The “difficult” classified content is further analyzed using AI Natural Language Processing Techniques to provide support to the learner through explaining the complex meaning, providing contextual supportive content from the web, or other means of support.

The outcome of this tool would be useful for the tutors by providing them with an intelligent report explaining the learners’ behavior in grasping and comprehending a wide spectrum of digital content. Simply this tool could be a kind of mind reader!

This work is considered highly interdisciplinary as it spans over Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neuro and Cognitive sciences, and biomedical engineering.


1) Develop an intelligent biofeedback tool to support learning and training of different topics.

2) Test and evaluate the tool for the specific context of learning English as a foreign language and/or learning a programming language (Python).

3) Write a research paper describing the tool and the evaluation performed for the selected specific scenario (learning English as a foreign language and/or learning a programming language).

4 Write the MSc thesis.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

T1 (M1): State of the art on relevant biofeedback and on artificial intelligence techniques.
T2 (M2): Adapting/develop the interfaces with the non-intrusive sensors used by the tool, namely eye tracker, sensors for HRV (heart rate variability) and EDA (electrodermal activity).
T3 (M2-M4): Rapid prototyping and preliminary design of the tool.
T4 (M5): Writing the Intermediate report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

T5(M6-M8): Implementation of the tool.
T6 (M9-M10): Testing and evaluation of the tool in a realistic learning/training scenario
T8 (M10): Write a research paper to submit to an international conference.
T9 (M11): Write the MSc thesis.


The student selected will be supported with a grant of 446 euros/month during 6 months, possibly renewed/upgraded to a BSc grant of (835 euros/month) in case of positive evaluation of the student's performance.

This MSc thesis will be advised by Haytham Hijazi and Henrique Madeira


Hayham Hijazi 📩