Propostas Submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:32:15 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Web platform for building school newspapers with customizable layout

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas

Local do Estágio



News is a way for a person to catch up on what's going on around them. These are
presented in several ways: through paper, radio, television and digital (online).
School newspapers are a means of communication used to update students and teachers on
different topics. It is a safe means of sharing content and disseminating activities that can
take place in schools.
With the evolution of the world of technology and news, schools also intend to evolve in
this aspect, with the creation of online school newspapers. Currently, in Portugal, there
is no platform dedicated to the creation of school newspapers. Most schools share their
newspapers on blogs and websites that are not suitable for sharing that type of content.


The objectives of this platform are:
• Allow the user to generate the design of the online newspaper (the tool enables users to
customize the existing news).
• Manage and validate all the content necessary for the creation of a school newspaper

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

[S1-S6] - Preliminary studies. Analysis of the main scientific and technological solutions of content management softwares
[S6-S12] - Survey of requirements and definition of the architecture of the intended ecosystem
[S6-S12] - Writing of the dissertation

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

[S1-S6] - Implementation of the various components of the ecosystem
[S6-S-9] - Integration of the different components
[S9-S12] - Test, evaluation and validation of the prototype
[S1-S12] - Writing of the dissertation


O aluno terá acesso a posto de trabalho próprio e as condições necessárias ao desenvovlimento com sucesso do trabalho.

O aluno será enquadrado no departamento de inovação e I&D da empresa e contará com a supervisão próxima de um orientador técnico e de um gestor de projecto. Não se prevê que haja uma integração directa do trabalho desenvolvido com outros componentes de software desenvolvidos pela empresa. Esta proposta está enquadrada nos desenvovlimentos de um projecto de I&D com o Jornal Publico

Ainda será feita uma análise das tecnologias e linguagens de programação a utilizar mas ter-se-á em consideração as seguintes: Strapi, Javascript, React, Node.js, HTML


- Knowledge of object-oriented programming languages.
- Good planning, design and documentation skills (English)
- Advanced knowledge in Multimedia will be valued.


Alexandre Ulisses Fonseca de Almeida e Silva 📩