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Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:21:52 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Sonic MUD - Dynamic composition of game soundscapes with voice interface

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas de Informação

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CISUC Interactive Media Lab


The area of Sound Design applied to games is an area which has been growing significantly in the past years. At CISUC we contributed with a dynamic composition architecture and a Pattern Language for Sound Design in Games ( The balance of each sound layer is a challenging task in sequential media (like cinema), and even more in artefacts with a non-linear narrative, such as digital games, whose interactive context requires constant adaptation to the player’s actions.
In sound-based games, the role of sound is even more elevated, from a mere atmospheric element of context creation to the driving force of action, guiding the entire narrative and the focus of the player’s perception.


The first goal of this project is to design a sound-only game in a Multi-User Dungeon RPG style, where the main narrative is unveiled through a dynamic sound composition that changes, grows and adapts to the player’s movements. Multiple paths of exploration can be crafted, creating unique sound journeys for each player, as well as a collaborative environment, where at least two players can join and explore the game’s challenges together.
Besides the focus on the audio element as the game’s output, the second is to explore it as the main input, with the traditional keyboard command replaced by voice instructions (assumes a personal home assistant voice interface, alexa style) to control the navigation. Three questions are to be explored:
How can the voice instructions be recognized?
How can sound characteristics such as synchrony, rests, repetitions or patterns be used cooperatively to interact with the game?
When can this playful experience activate player’s imagination and creativity?

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

A1. (Sep-Nov) State of the art research - research and document the relevant SoA, publications and software review, for the study of the problem at hand; detailed characterization of the problem to be solved stating specific goals and requirements;
A2. (Nov-Dec) Design Proposal - conceiving of an interaction design proposal for the specific context, mapping of assumptions and milestones for the rest of the project; identification of quality attributes, and architectural drivers for the proposed solution, including interaction models and user interface draft

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A3. (Jan-April) Prototyping - implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype, tuning or corrections based on evaluation results;
A4. (May) Evaluation - definition of evaluation criteria and method; performance of evaluation and analysis of results
A5. (June - July) Statement of Learning - production of paper/thesis with process report and reflection on knowledge production






Licínio Gomes Roque 📩