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Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:19:04 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Designing and Implementing a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Self-Driving Cars

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas Inteligentes

Local do Estágio



In many real world settings, agents (human, artificial or both) interact, collaborate, cooperate, negotiate and compete. Sport games, exploration of unk-nown environments by teams of agents, search-rescue tasks, traffic control, arejust a few examples of domains that involve partially observable, cooperative,multi-agent learning problems, in which a team of agents must learn to coordinate their behaviour while conditioning only on their private observations.These problems bring unique challenges, such as the non-stationarity of lear-ning, multi-agent credit assignment, and the difficulty of representing the valueof joint actions.In the last few years, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has be-come a highly active area of research that offers valuable solutions for those pro-blems. Standardised environments such as the ALE and MuJoCo have allowedsingle-agent RL to move beyond toy domains. In addition, MARL platformshave also been leveraged by recently developed MARL platforms.In spite of the recent advances in MARL, there are still open issues. Forinstance, in the majority of real-world scenarios, the extrinsic feedback is sparseor not sufficient, thus intrinsic reward formulations are needed to successfullytrain the agent. Psychological constructs such as curiosity and surprise arehelpful for overcoming this problem.Solving tasks with sparse rewards is one of the most important challenges inRL. In the single-agent setting, this challenge is addressed by introducing intrin-sic rewards that motivate agents to explore unseen regions of their state spaces.However, applying these techniques naively to the multi-agent setting resultsin agents exploring independently, without any coordination among themselves.Exploration in cooperative multi-agent settings can be accelerated and improvedif agents coordinate their exploration.This work investigates MARL with a special focus on: (i) the involvementof intrinsic motivation related models (curiosity, surprise, attention) in its algo-rithms, and (ii) its application to the domain o self-driving cars.


The general goal is to design, implement and analyse an algorithm relying on intrinsic motivation models that can leverage MARL, and apply it to the domain of self-driving cars. In concrete, we aim at reaching the following goals:

- Analysis of MARL algorithms

- Analysis of intrinsic motivation related models (curiosity, surprise, attention)

- Analysis and specification of intrinsic motivation models in the context of MARL

- Implementation and empirical assessment of the proposed algorithm on a MARL platform, and its application to the domain of self-driving cars.

Well known public data sets from popular projects of autonomous cars such as those available in (Waymo's data set), or will be analysed and considered for the implementation and testing phases. Most of them comprise not only simulation but also large amount of real data, which have been used by real autonomous cars that populate a few cities in the world.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1- State of the Art [Sept – Oct]

2- Design of an algorithm for MARL [Nov]

3- Development and first implementation of the proposed algorithm in a MARL platform, and building the MARL model [Dec – Jan]

4- Thesis Proposal Writing [Dec – Jan]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

5- Improvement of the the proposed algorithm and model [Feb – Apr]

6- Experimental Tests [Apr – May]

7- Paper Writing [May – Jun]

8- Thesis Writing [Jan – Jul]


The eligible student will have at disposal all the necessary computational platforms, tools and devices.



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Luís Miguel Machado Lopes Macedo 📩