Titulo Estágio
Development of an Intrusion Detection Tool for Microservices
Áreas de especialidade
Engenharia de Software
Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas
Local do Estágio
Microservices are an emerging architectural style that splits an application into small autonomous services, simplifying the development and making it easier to independently scale and deploy applications with the help of solutions such as Docker and Kubernetes. Additionally, with the increasing adoption of microservices-oriented applications in organizations and businesses, dependability and security issues arise. Thus, the existence of practical solutions that focus on the security aspects of these dynamic environments is of the utmost importance. Monitoring and identifying suspicious activities with the help of Intrusion Detection tools are a possible approach to make microservices applications trustworthy in real case scenarios. The tool to be developed fits in the AIDA project which aims at improving a platform used by Mobileum for integral risk management and where the University of Coimbra is leading the security and privacy activity.
This project aims to design and implement an intrusion detection tool for microservice-based applications. This tool will implement the proof-of-concept techniques of Intrusion Detection researched in the group and automate their functioning for kubernetes deployments. In practice, after receiving a description of the architecture, it should be able to automatedly install the necessary probes to gather data and control both the training and monitoring phase. It should also help in coping with the evolution of the microservices-based architecture in a dynamic DevOps environment. The tool should be scalable and performance-efficient. The student will gain extensive practical experience with emerging technologies.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
T1. [10/09/2021 to 31/10/2021] Requirements and State of the art analysis.
T2. [21/10/2021 to 15/11/2021] Definition of the proposed approach. Definition of the application domain, design of the solution and of the validation strategies.
T3. [15/11/2021 to 15/12/2021] Definition and validation of the architecture for the tool to be developed.
T4. [01/12/2022 to 21/01/2022] Write the Dissertation Plan
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
T5. [01/02/2022 to 15/04/2022] Development of the proposed solution.
T6. [20/03/2022 to 30/04/2022] Experimentation and validation.
T7. [15/04/2022 to 31/05/2022] Write a technical report or a scientific publication.
T8. [15/05/2022 to 01/07/2022] Write the thesis.
The work is to be executed at the laboratories of the CISUC’s Software and Systems Engineering Group. A workplace will be provided as well as the required computational resources.
Nuno Antunes
nmsa@dei.uc.pt 📩