Proposta sem aluno

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:39:02 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

FlakyAnalysis4Cerberus – Automatic Analysis of Flaky Tests for Cerberus Automated Testing Tool

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas de Informação

Local do Estágio

Remote / Leiria



Software teams rely on automated test suites to continuously validate the code being developed and delivered. This allows teams to improve software quality and reliability while having quick feedback about the component’s operation. The results of tests’ executions are typically used as input for decision taking by developers and managers. In the scope of La Redoute IT, these tests are performed by the automated testing tool Cerberus1. In the scope of tests executions, testing teams encounter “flaky” tests, which are defined by Goole as “as a test that exhibits both a passing and a failing result with the same code”2. An automated mechanism to help the analysis of flaky tests as this type of analysis is time-consuming and, currently, it is done manually by the teams.

This project aims to take advantage of all data coming from Cerberus with the goal of understanding the underlying patterns of flaky tests in La Redoute, while providing means to help teams during the analysis of failed tests.

By the end of this Master project the student will be familiar with a large-scale systems development environment and knowledgeable in a diverse set of state-of-art technologies, namely:
* Cerberus
* Kafka
* Java/ Spring Framework
* Elastic stack (ELK)
* Docker
* Python


The goal of this project is to provide a means to help La Redoute’s teams to reduce the flakiness of their test suites and to provide automated assistance in the analysis of the failed executions. The analysis of failed executions, caused by flaky tests, is a repetitive and time-consuming task because testers need to analyse each failed execution and to determine if it is a legitim failure or if it is flaky result.

In order to help testers, we expect to implement a system that can collect and correlate test-related events that may originate a flaky result. It will provide a first level of assistance, and provided of the proper information, testing teams can forward issues to the correct teams in a more agile way.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Work plan / packages
* Overview of the state-of-art and state-of-practice
* Ecosystem Overview and Definition of the Data Pipeline
* Analyzer conception and design
* Implementation
* Integration and Production
* Documentation

While this roadmap is depicted very sequentially, an iterative approach to the design, implementation, testing and deployment of features will be adopted, in the true spirit of a DevOps software lifecycle.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Work plan / packages
* Overview of the state-of-art and state-of-practice
* Ecosystem Overview and Definition of the Data Pipeline
* Analyzer conception and design
* Implementation
* Integration and Production
* Documentation

While this roadmap is depicted very sequentially, an iterative approach to the design, implementation, testing and deployment of features will be adopted, in the true spirit of a DevOps software lifecycle.


* Monthly internship remuneration 750€/month
* Alimentation support 7.5€/worked day
* Possibility to work in remote
* Access to e-learning platform
* With success of the project, get a certification of maximum value of $200


Competencies required / to develop
* Requirements Analysis
* Conception
* Software Development
* Integration
* Automation
* Data Engineering Techniques

Why you should choose this project
* A relevant problem
The project will be actually applied in large scale environment of a major multinational company.

* Close support
Our team has deep expertise on the technology stack and really feels the need for the analyser, so the student will receive all required support to reach a successful outcome.

* Professional relevance
The technology stack to be used is very diverse, thus promoting the acquisition of competences in many different state-of-art domains.

* Future ready
The student will gain or consolidate his/her competences on software analysis, development and visualization techniques.


Ana Filipa Nogueira 📩