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Gerado a 2024-12-04 18:48:47 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Collision Avoidance in a Swarm of Quadrotors for an Indoor Application

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



The interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is growing rapidly due to their wide range of applications and their potential to perform tasks that are costly to be performed by humans or threat humans’ safety. Quadrotors are increasingly receiving attention, particularly for indoor applications (e.g., security surveillance in airports, indoor filming in concerts or sport matches, etc.), because of their flexibility in movement, simplicity in terms of mechanical design, and low price. A quadrotor is a kind of helicopter with four rotors that make it very agile to attain the full range of motion. Despite their flying ability, quadcopters are too small for many tasks and have a very low battery life. For this reason, in many applications a group of collaborative quadcopters will be needed to accomplish a mission. The collaborative quadcopters bring in safety concerns, as there is a risk of collision. Thus, the safe use of quadcopters implies a collision avoidance system.


In this work we assume the existence of an accurate and real-time indoor positioning system, which allows all quadcopters to know about their own position. We also assume that the flying quadcopters are able to communicate to each other if necessary. Given these assumptions, the main goal of this work is to design and implement an algorithm allowing to avoid collision of the collaborative quadcopters, that are flying in an indoor and known environment, either randomly or for some purposes. To this end, we intend to collect inspiration from natural systems, such as honeybees, ants, or fishes and emulate the mechanisms they use for collision avoidance in our collaborative quadcopters. In practice, the expected outcome of this internship is:
• An algorithm for collision avoidance in a swarm of flying robots collaborating in an indoor environment;
• A research paper to be published in a related international conference.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

[Some tasks might overlap; M=Month]
T1 (M1-M2): Knowledge transfer and state of the art review on the existing collision avoidance techniques including the bio-inspired techniques.
T2 (M3-M4): Proposing a collision avoidance algorithm suitable for indoor quadcopters.
T3 (M5): Writing the Intermediate report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

[Some tasks might overlap; M=Month]
T4 (M6): Integration of the intermediate defense comments in the work and report.
T5 (M6-M7): Implementation of the proposed solution.
T6 (M8): Definition of several scenarios for testing the solution.
T7 (M8): Execution of tests and analysis of results.
T8 (M9): Writing the thesis.
T9 (M10): Write a research paper and submission to a related international conference.


The selected student will be integrated in the Software and Systems Engineering (SSE) group of CISUC, that works in cooperation with the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) for this project. The work will be carried out in the facilities of the Department of Informatics Engineering at the University of Coimbra (CISUC - Software and Systems Engineering Group), where a work place and necessary computer resources will be provided.


Please contact the advisors for any question or clarification needed.

The work will be co-advised by Naghmeh Ramezani Ivaki ( ) from SSE-CISUC and Prof. Jorge Lobo from ISR (


Henrique Madeira 📩