Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:20:02 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Prototype Implementation and Evaluation of Physical-layer Security Schemes

Áreas de especialidade

Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



Physical-layer security sparked an interest on the generation of interference for secrecy purposes, by using otherwise silent devices to cause interference/jam adversary eavesdroppers that aim to overhear confidential communication.

We developed a combined coding and jamming scheme, whose basic idea lies in generating a short random key that is used to shuffle/interleave information at the source, Alice. This key is then sent to the legitimate receiver, Bob, during a brief period of advantageous communication over the eavesdropper Eve (e.g., due to more interference from a jammer). Finally, the key is decoded at Bob to properly deshuffle/deinterleave the original information. Bob receives a better quality version of the interleaving key, therefore having the needed advantage for secure communication against Eve.


The goal of this thesis is to develop a prototype implementation for evaluation of the our physical-layer security scheme in a real-world test-bed. In particular, the application will implement the developed coding scheme and shall be able to establish communication between transmitter and receiver, while a set of eavesdroppers try to overhear communication. In a subsequent step, jammers will be considered to cause interference to eavesdroppers, thus providing the required advantage for secure communication using our coding scheme.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1) State-of-the art study on physical-layer security, in particular:
- jamming for secrecy schemes
- coding for secrecy
2) Study of the GNURadio software-development toolkit, and implementation of first trials for software-defined radio implementation
3) Intermediate report

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1) Implementation of our coding for secrecy scheme, as described above
2) Implementation of different types of jamming (e.g. constant jamming (at all times), pulse jamming (1 big pulse of short duration), directional jamming (using directional antennas))
3) Definition of proper metrics and security evaluation of the system
4) Writing of scientific article and dissertation


Non-paid internship.


The student will have access to 5 software-defined radio boards from ettus manufacturer: [url=][/url]

The implementation of the coding+jamming for secrecy techniques will rely on [url=]GNURadio[/url], an open-source software-radio development toolkit that enables the implementation of all sort of coding techniques needed for the project.


João Vilela (DEI), Marco Gomes (DEEC) 📩