Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:35:56 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Processing BigData using Open Source Platforms

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



BigData is data that exceed the processing capacity of conventional database systems. In these systems the data is very large, move very rapidly or do not fit the typical structures of databases. To get value from this data, we must choose an alternative way to process them. BigData using open source platforms relates to the use of mechanisms, which must be able to handle large volumes of data using only and open source software platforms. This requires the development of scalable solutions to load, manage and analyze data.


In this project we pretend solutions in open source software for storage, processing, analysis and data mining in BigData. The solutions proposed must be easy to use. At the end, a prototype implementation of BigData open Source platform for a specific environment should be proposed.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

[Some tasks might overlap; M=Month]
T1 (M1 – M3): State of the art literature review on Open Source Platforms for BigData.
T2 (M3) Design of an architecture model, using the information gathered in task T1 as basis.
T3 (M3) Identification of target systems to be used in the experiments.
T4 (M3 – M4) Implementation of a proof of concept prototype.
T5 (M5): Writing the Intermediate report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

[Some tasks might overlap; M=Month]
T6 (M6): Integration of the intermediate defense comments and completion of the architecture model.
T7 (M6 – M7): Implementation of a prototype, and execution of tests (functional).
T8 (M8): Execution of experiments and analysis of results.
T9 (M9): Write a research paper and submission to a top international conference on the Big Data topic (IEEE Big Data Congress, Database Systems for Advanced Applications - DASFAA, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering – ICDE, etc.).
T10 (M10): Writing the thesis.


The work will be carried out in the facilities of the Department of Informatics Engineering at the University of Coimbra (CISUC - Software and Systems Engineering Group), where a work place and necessary computer resources will be provided.


A scholarship may be available (value to be defined) for at least part of the duration of the internship.


Jorge Bernardino 📩