Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:16:28 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Monitoring operational performance of client side applications

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas de Informação

Local do Estágio



Nowadays, it is crucial to understand how one's website is performing for the user and to get enough information on any perceived issue to quickly react and ensure a minimal impact to the user and the overall image of the company behind the page.
As the architecture of websites migrate to the client side, the challenge is now to monitor the operational performance on the client side, gathering effective operational metrics without hindering performance (e.g. speed or bandwidth consumption) and ensure a quick alert and reaction if anything falls short of perfect.
The aim of this project is to build a dashboard and alert system into the ones already existing in the company for client side operational monitoring needs from the site reliability engineering team and the development teams.
To build into the current dashboard and alerting systems to enable quick reaction to whenever an issue is occurring.


The main goal is to have a monitoring dashboard and alert system integrated within the existing ones to ensure quick reaction to any issues in production with client side applications.
To understand and document what other large scale highly transactional players are monitoring in production and how they are doing it without hindering the application performance specially in mobile devices, within the constraints of speed of connection, battery consumption or bandwidth.
To understand and document what the advantages and disadvantages of the current architecture, frameworks and technologies of the client side applications developed and any metrics captured and used during the development and maintenance of the current applications.
To understand and meet operational monitoring needs from the site reliability engineering team and the development teams.
To build into the current dashboard and alerting systems to enable quick reaction to whenever an issue is occurring.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1. Research and document state of the art outside the organization;
2. Research, understand and document state of the art within development teams for both desktop and mobile applications and operational monitoring needs;
3. Research, understand and document state of the art within the site reliability team and operational monitoring needs;
4. Propose a solution with proposed operational metrics, a way to collect and store them and a dashboard and alert system in order to meet the operational monitoring needs.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1. Build the proposed solution with a sample of metrics within one of the current applications;
2. Integrate with the current monitoring and alerting systems;
3. Educate the development teams and the operational monitoring teams to enable the data to be gathered, collected and responded to.


Breakfast and Snacks given;
Computer borrowed by Blip.


Student profile:
Knowledge of client side architectures
Knowledge of javascript language, frameworks and pit falls
Good english communication (spoken and written) skills

The candidates will have an interview to assess their knowledge and soft skills.


Mariana Salvaterra 📩