Titulo Estágio
Áreas de especialidade
Engenharia de Software
Sistemas Inteligentes
Local do Estágio
In this project we aim to coordinate several autonomous agents to do a mission together. The hardware (mechanical, electrical), is ready to be explored.
The general idea is to control and synchronize the motion of several autonomous mobile robots in order to do a mission together.
For instance consider 3 mobile robots that can move on the ceiling of an apartment. Together they can achieve missions such as surveillance of the building, or to operate a manipulator in the 3D space. The manipulator can be equipped with different tools such as a camera for multi media production, or a nozzle for 3D printing of large prototypes.
In this specific Project, several agents together drive a single Delta manipulator. The agents are installed on the ceiling and each 3 agents together drive a manipulator which will achieve 3 translations: X-Y-Z. The manipulator is a Delta-Like parallel manipulator. The main objective is to enable fine manipulation over a large 3D workspace. For instance in a factory, warehouse or a hospital. This is interesting because it makes a bridge between the limited workspace of the industrial arms, and lack of precision of the mobile robots.
Due to the innovative mechanical setup, the problem of precise localization of the agents is already solved, however their coordination and synchronized movement is still to be addressed.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
1.Reading State of the art on multi-robot coordination and synchronization
2.Development and test of Path planning algorithms for a single agent
Please note: The agents are developed, their hardware is ready to use and some part of the programming for single agents is already implemented. Student are invited to visit the Lab by contacting mahmoud@isr.uc.pt to visit the project if they have doubts.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
1. Development and test of algorithms for synchronized motion of the multi agent sysytem
2. Demonstration of a pick and place application with the manipulator
For reaching the objective of fine manipulations, in addition to the mechanical setup, one needs to take into consideration the synchronos movement of the agents. The path planning layer should send the individual trajectortories to each agent. The execution layer should gurantee that the trajectories are executed in a manner that the final motion of the manipulator is smooth. That is the velocity and acceleration components of the trajectory may need to be taken into account while programing the actuator´s motion.
Programming (C, C++ or C#), Microcontrollers, Having interest on robotics and its applications
Mahmoud Tavakoli
mahmood.tavakoli@gmail.com 📩