Propostas sem aluno atribuído

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:26:37 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Predicting the memorability of images

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas Inteligentes

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When glancing at a magazine or browsing the Internet we are continuously exposed to photographs and images. Despite this overflow of visual information, it has been shown that humans are extremely adept at remembering thousands of pictures and a surprising amount of their visual details. But whereas some images stick in our minds, others are ignored or quickly forgotten. Artists, advertisers and photographers are routinely challenged by the question ``what makes an image memorable'' and are then presented with the task of how to create an image that speaks to the viewer.


The goal of this project is the automatic classification of images (e.g., sensecam images) into a degree of memorability by computing their levels of attention according to dimensions such as surprise, emotion, information gain, motive-congruence (see [Itti&Baldi,2006]) (assuming that these dimensions are involved in memorability). Machine learning techniques including deep learning might be applied.
Possible applications of this project include: filtering a large set of images (e.g., captured by the sensecam (5000 per day!!)) so that a subset of those images are selected and shown to an Alzheimer patient in order to selectively rehabilitate its memory with no decrease of memory rehabilitation performance in comparison with showing all those images; developing mobile app for an iPhone or similar device which can rate the level of memorability an image taken by the device has; a similar technology could in the future be incorporated into cameras in order to make them more intelligent.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Fase 1 - Revisão da bibliografia e estado da arte
Fase 2 - Desenvolvimento de um protótipo simples para demonstração de conceito.
Fase 3 - Elaboração da proposta de dissertação.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Fase 4 - Desenvolvimento de soluções de acordo com o plano de investigação proposto.
Fase 5 - Testes, experimentação e avaliação dos resultados.
Fase 6 - Escrita da Dissertação.
Fase 7 - Escrita de um artigo científico.


O trabalho será desenvolvido num laboratório do CMS, com recurso a meios computacionais adequados.


Luís Macedo 📩