Titulo Estágio
Exploring combined networking and execution technologies for Real-Time environments
Áreas de especialidade
Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas
Engenharia de Software
Local do Estágio
This proposal comes in the sequence of previous exploratory efforts geared towards understanding the performance of container-based and unikernel-based [1] real-time environments. This time we want to focus on exploring Time Sensitive Networking (with time synchronisation mechanisms based on the Precision Time Protocol) together with real-time execution environments, with a view towards fulfilling a vision of end-to-end, standards-based, deterministic computing. It is expected that these technologies will play a vital role in the scope of 5G and Beyond 5G environments, for the backhaul and backbone connections, or even for standalone deployments, enabling the creation of deterministic end-to-end computing environments.
[1] A unikernel is a type of minimal operating system that is used to run a single application. It is designed to be lightweight, secure, and highly efficient, making it ideal for use in cloud/edge computing and other distributed environments. Unlike a traditional operating system, a unikernel is typically compiled into a single executable image, which is then deployed directly to the target system. Unikernels are still an emerging concept that, despite showing promise, require some experimental effort to fully grasp and understand their potential and application fields.
The main aim of the internship is to delve into Time Sensitive Networking, Precision Time Protocol, and real-time execution environment technologies, with the aim of acquiring knowledge about existing technological frameworks and implementations. It is expected that the acquired knowledge will be applied to the implementation of a distributed real-time deterministic testbed, which will be later used for experimental evaluation.
As such, this plan has two main objectives: 1) the implementation of a realistic testbed scenario with the TSN, synchronisation and real-time execution environments; 2) the systematic analysis of the performance characteristics
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
The activities planned for the internship period are:
1st semester:
- Familiarization with the subject of the work and with the state of the art;
- Identification of relevant tools, components and resources;
- Specification and first stage development of the testbed environment;
- Documentation writing.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
2nd semester:
- Specification and implementation of evaluation use cases;
- Second-stage implementation of the testbed and component integration;
- Execution of the evaluation process and analisys of results;
- Documentation writing.
The ability to work as a team will be essential, as the candidate will be part of the Networking Communications and Security (NCS) group that is involved in several projects and research initiatives. A workspace will be provided in a CISUC laboratory, with the candidate being involved in the daily dynamics of the project and the group, actively participating in coordination/monitoring meetings and in decision-making analysis processes.
The candidate should have some knowledge and familiarity with topics related to the areas of operating systems, advanced/intermediate Linux/Unix knowledge.
Curiosity and/or knowledge about real-time systems, as well as a good deal of interest in learning new tools and technologies will be a differentiation factor in selecting applicants.
Tiago José dos Santos Martins da Cruz
tjcruz@dei.uc.pt 📩