Titulo Estágio
Web-based Mosaic Creation Kiosk
Áreas de especialidade
Sistemas de Informação
Engenharia de Software
Local do Estágio
(For images, open the only doc version of this proposal: https://bit.ly/3aeWpcr )
In the context of the MosaicoLab initiative (http://www.mosaicolab.pt/) we are developing various digital tools for the exploration of the roman mosaic cultural heritage of the region.
We have already developed an online mosaic editor [6] that allows free creation of simple mosaics.
In this project the aim is to contribute to that online editor, allowing users to use their own image as the basis for the mosaic creation experience. There are several related functionalities that we wish to explore:
1. Applying mosaicing algorithms [1-5] to turn a user supplied image into a mosaic that can then be edited. The user supplied image could be a file or an on-the-fly image from the webcamera. The user should be able to try different algorithms.
2. Apply a user supplied image (file or webcam) on a pre-existing mosaic. I.e., imagine a mosaic pattern already created and the user is able to adjust the webcam image onto that pattern.
3. Perform color-reduction on the resulting mosaic so that it approximates, for example, to the available colors in case the user would want to physically create the mosaic.
The main purpose of this project is to integrate the above functionality into the existing codebase of the Mosaic Editor. In addition, we would like to develop a museum experience (e.g., a kiosk). The kiosk application should be structured in a way that is usable by first-time users. It should allow visitors to quickly and easily create a mosaic version of their faces (captured through a webcam), and share the results on social networks (possibly after getting the results on their phones). The resulting kiosk application and experience would be assessed from the point of view of how visitors engage and feel about it.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
- Study the architecture of the existing mosaic editor
- Study mosaicing techniques/algorithms
- Study museum-style kiosk applications
- Implement of the algorithms based on an predefined user image
- Define the structure of the user interface for a walk-up-and-use scenario where visitors engage with the kiosk to create a mosaic version of their faces
- Write intermediate report
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
- Implement the kiosk application
- Evaluate of the application with real users
- Write scientific paper about results
- Write final report
Experience in JavaScript programming.
[1] Battiato, S., Gallo, G., & Puglisi, G. (2011). Digital reproduction of ancient mosaics. In Digital imaging for cultural heritage preservation: analysis, restoration, and reconstruction of ancient artworks (pp. 409–428).
[2] Battiato, S., Blasi, G. Di, Farinella, G. M., & Gallo, G. (2006). A Novel Technique for Opus Vermiculatum Mosaic Rendering. In Proceedings of the 14textsuperscript{th} International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2006, February, 2006, Plzen, Czech Republic) (pp. 133–140). Retrieved from http://svg.dmi.unict.it/iplab/USER/viewproject.php?id_prog=5
[3] Liu, Y., & Toussaint, G. (2010). Unravelling Roman mosaic meander patterns: a simple algorithm for their generation. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 4(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/17513470903311644
[4] Battiato, S., Di Blasi, G., Farinella, G. M., & Gallo, G. (2007). Digital Mosaic Frameworks - An Overview. Computer Graphics Forum, 26(4), 070606074919006-??? https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2007.01021.x
[5] Kim, J., & Pellacini, F. (2002). Jigsaw image mosaics. In Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’02 (p. 657). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. https://doi.org/10.1145/566570.566633
[6] Cardoso, J. C. S. 2021. Mosaic Editor. https://mosaicolab.pt/editor/
Jorge Carlos dos Santos Cardoso
jorgecardoso@dei.uc.pt 📩