Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:38:14 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Automatic Conformance Checking for Software Development Teams

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas de Informação

Local do Estágio



Process mining is a novel family of techniques in the field of process management that support the analysis of processes based on digital event logs.

During process mining specialized data mining algorithms are applied to event log data in order to identify trends, patterns and details contained in event streams recorded by an information system. Process mining aims to improve the efficiency, understanding and monitoring of processes.


The goal of this thesis is to build a software component that monitors the workflow of a software development team by tracking events at their typical tools (gitHub, Jira, ...)

This component will apply standard process mining algorithms to compare actual event sequences with a reference process model (standard practices) in order to detect anomalous deviations that might flag unprofessional or inefficient software development practices.

Different perspectives such as activities, team structure and performance will be addressed. The insights gathered from this project has a huge potential to improve the effectiveness of software development teams and the quality of the software products developed. It might also provide insight on the best practices used by the top developers.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The first semester is devoted to gather information on the state-of-art of this topic, study the curent platform and design the interfaces that will be required to apply the conformance checking techniques to specific project repositories. The project will use the open-source Process mining Python libraries (PM4Py) to perform the conformance checking, so most of the effort will be devoted to understanding the current platform in order to integrate this component with the data gathering and visualization tools, namely the characterization of the outputs, including a intuitive graphical representation of the software development processes monitored.

This know-how will form the core content for the Master Thesis intermediate report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

The core activity of the second semester will to build the conformance checking component, to follow and monitor a specific project, study and analyse selected open repositories, as well as performing incremental improvement of the component in face of the observations performed.

This is an exploratory activity and therefore it cannot be fully defined beforehand.

A scientific paper is expected to be written with the major results observed, as well as the student's Master Thesis.


The student will be provided with close mentoring from the supervisor, a machine, a working space in the SSE (Software and Systems Engineering) research group and access to the University resources, namely international scientific research libraries.

The work will be performed with data from an actual software development team that will de developing a project to be monitored by this tool. At the same time public repositories will be used for testing and validation.

This thesis might be able to use repositories from a few companies working in the global market (depending on a non-disclosure agreement), so the student might have the opportunity to get a rare insight on how software is really developed in an industrial setting.


Additional information concerning this Master thesis research can be made directly to the supervisor at


Mário Alberto da Costa Zenha Rela 📩