Propostas sem aluno

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:18:32 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Augmented Reality Snap! Extension

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas de Informação

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



In the context of the MosaicoLab initiative ( we are developing various digital tools for the exploration of the roman mosaic cultural heritage of the region.
One such tool is an adaptation of the Snap! programming language (derived from the Scratch language) for kids ( that will allow the programming of mosaic geometric patterns. In this project, we wish to explore the possibility of visualising and interacting with the resulting programs via an AR (Augmented Reality) component that will run on a mobile device.


The main objective of this project is to develop an extension to the Snap! programming language that allows a real-time visualization of the Snap! program running on the desktop computer. In addition, we wish to explore how interactions on the AR component can be included in the programming environment. We also want to explore and create demonstrators of specific use-cases for the Snap! AR combination.

Specific objectives:
- Create an online version of Snap! that allows creating and saving Snap! Projects
- Create an extension for AR based visualization of Snap! program running on the desktop. This includes proposing and implementing solutions for:
-- Associating a project with a specific AR target
-- Defining how to pair both devices (desktop and mobile)
-- Defining a communications architecture (what information will be transmitted between the desktop and mobile devices, and how). This communication architecture should be flexible and usable outside the AR scenario - it should be developed as a generic way of visualizing a Snap! program outside of the desktop running the program.
-- Define what interactions are supported in the AR view and how users can program them in Snap!
- Evaluate the resulting system (users feedback regarding the system’s implementation, how easy it is to visualize the program in the AR view, how easy it is to include interactions in the AR view, etc.)
- Create demonstration scenarios for the various features of the AR extension

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Study the Snap! language including how it is programmed and how extensions can be created
- Study web-based (JavaScript) communication alternatives for desktop-mobile
- Study the current implementation of the Mosaico extension for Snap!
- Implement project saving functionality
- Define the communications architecture for the AR extension

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Implement the AR component
- Write demo applications / content
- Evaluate the resulting system with different kinds of users
- Write scientific paper about results
- Write report


O trabalho irá ser realizado no Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Universidade de Coimbra e será facultado o acesso a equipamento móvel.


- Required student profile
Experience in JavaScript programming.

- References and conferences


Jorge Carlos dos Santos Cardoso, Maria José Marcelino 📩